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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 


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In this issue: Centre meeting 2018, 4.4.0 beta, Best practices, Certificate issue

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In this issue: Centre assessments, Various roadmaps and work plans, Maintenance, Hackathon reminder

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In this issue: 4.3 released, Security-related maintenance, CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables, Short news

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In this issue: Europeana milestone report, CoreTrustSeal documentation and webinar recording, Language Resource and Tool inventory clean-up, New Service Provider: Glossa, Attribute checker, Fedora user group meeting, Maintenance

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In this issue: CLARIN SPF extended with Hungary and Portugal, Identity Provider migration concluded, Fresh datasets, 2.0 Specification, New blog, CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables, Best Practices Guide, Maintenance


In this issue: Renewed B-centres, Upcoming assessment round, Migration of the CLARIN Identity Provider - status update, New style guide now available, CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables, Fresh datasets, Centre Meeting 2017 presentations, Intranet login


In this issue: Centre Meeting 2017, CLARIN SPF extended with France, Greece and CMU, Successful migration of the CLARIN Identity Provider, New version of the Virtual Language Observatory


In this issue: SPF extended to Lithuania, Upcoming centre assessment round, Centre Meeting 2017, Planned migration of the CLARIN Identity Provider, LD4LR presentations, New component registry, WebLicht now compatible with 1.2, 4 new CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables, DSpace Video Tutorial, New centres, website styling


In this issue: New centres, Improved Discovery Service, Email and DNS migration, Updated beta version of the and Planned maintenance


In this issue: Digital Collections of Newspapers, new questions, service status, metadata curation module, website update, new CLARIN-PLUS deliverable