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Centre news vol. 34 - October 2017

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Europeana milestone report

CLARIN is a partner in Europeana’s Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI) and in this context is working to make Europeana’s wealth of cultural heritage data accessible through the CLARIN infrastructure. At the beginning of DSI-3, the third phase of DSI, intermediate results can be seen in production and have been reported upon in the blog post Bridging the Europeana and CLARIN infrastructures. A more in-depth report is available as well in the form of DSI-2 milestone report 2.2. In DSI-3, CLARIN will work with Europeana to expand upon the implemented integration to further the availability and applicability of (language centered) cultural heritage for research.

CoreTrustSeal documentation and webinar recording

During June and September 2017 webinars were organised for those within the and communities who currently—or who in the future will— renew their application or perform application reviews. In the webinar, the draft extended guidelines were presented for reviewing the applications of organizations wishing to be certified under the Core Trustworthy Data Repositories requirements. Participants were invited to comment upon these extended guidelines during the webinar, giving them an opportunity to help shape and refine interpretation of the requirements.

Here you can find the draft document containing the Core Trustworthy Data Repositories requirements and the DRAFT extended guidance. The finalized extended guidance document and the recording of the webinar will be made available soon via the CoreTrustSeal website.

The recording for the webinar held in September can be found here.

Language Resource and Tool inventory clean-up

During the CLARIN preparatory phase the Language Resource and Tool inventory was created – mostly as a simple solution to describe resources that were not yet deposited or described in a repository.

Over time the information gathered has been curated and migrated to the LINDAT repository. Now a next step in this continuous curation will follow: the records that do not contain a URL will be removed. The records that do contain a link to a webpage will be kept.

If you are the maintainer of one of the resources that is on the list for removal and would like to add information (such as a URL), please clarin [at] (contact us) before Friday 10 November. We will then enrich and keep the record.

New Service Provider: Glossa

Glossa - the corpus search tool from the CLARINO Text Laboratory Centre has been added to the gradually growing list of CLARIN Service Providers. Glossa provides access to a.o. the following corpora:

Attribute checker

The eduGAIN Attribute Checker has been successfully used at the Language Bank of Finland for over a year now. Connecting IdPs has become significantly easier and faster, since -Operators get a detailed description as to what went wrong when the user tried to login. SPs also get a copy of the request, it turned out to be good practice to contact the IdP also from the -side, sometimes IdPs require more information on attribute use. If the subject is new to you, consider this screencast made by Switch, at the 5:50 mark you can see how the checker works from a user's perspective. For more information you can contact kielipankki [at] (kielipankki[at]csc[dot]fi).

Events - Fedora user group meeting

On 7 December 2017 a Fedora User Group Meeting will take place at the Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora. David Wilcox (Fedora Product Manager) will be at the meeting and the participants will have the opportunity to talk about general experiences, pose questions, discuss relevant topics, and make plans about local, regional, and global developments for Fedora (instances).

If you are interested, please fill in the online participation form.

Further (and continuously updated) information about the meeting is available here.


The CLARIN website will be unavailable due to maintenance activities on Thursday 2 November between 14:00 and 15:00 CET. Please clarin [at] (subject: website%20maintenance) (contact us) if this timing is problematic for you.