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CLARIN is for everyone interested in working with language resources. 

CLARIN provides access to a series of repositories - digital archives where language resources can be stored, accessed and shared. There are three main categories of resources: data, services and tools. This includes datasets, which cover various dimensions such as language, modality, time span, and more.

CLARIN also offers researcher-oriented gateway applications, including a search engine for a wide range of language resources, as well as access to applications to discover, explore, exploit, annotate, analyse or combine language data.

To access resources, CLARIN lets users log in to protected data and services with their own institutional login and password (federated identity). For a complete list, see participating identity federations – we are working hard to extend this.

For cases where an academic account does not belong to an identity federation that has ties with the SPF, the CLARIN Identity Provider has been created, allowing users to register for a CLARIN account. For information on how to do this, see this help page on the CLARIN Forum.


Help Needed?

Questions mark in a speech bubble

Help – I have read through all documentation and the FAQs. Still, logging in with my credentials does not work... What now?

Please send an email to accounts [at] (accounts[at]clarin[dot]eu) with the following information:

  • Where you are trying to log in
  • Which identity provider you are using (name of institution or CLARIN account)
  • The exact error message (as text or a screenshot)


We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Learn More



For an introduction to research infrastructures, see Tutorial: Intro to CLARIN.

For the pillars of CLARIN's technical infrastructure, see CLARIN Technology.

For information on specific CLARIN resources, see Find, Use & Process.

If you are from a more technical audience and focused on developing the CLARIN infrastructure, see For Infrastructure Developers.


‌➔ Visit the FAQ section in the CLARIN Forum