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For Infrastructure Developers

This dedicated section for infrastructure developers at CLARIN centres wanting to get better integrated into the CLARIN infrastructure, offers technical information relating to the Service Provider Federation (SPF), the CLARIN Identity Provider, Content Search ( ), Metadata, and more.

A white and a red rope interconnected

Service Provider Federation

The Service Provider Federation aims to connect CLARIN Service Providers to national Identity Federations, to make password-protected resources available to academic users via single sign-on. Read more about the technical details, agreements and trouble-shooting.
Two wooden figures

Identity Provider

For cases where an institutional account does not belong to an identity federation that has ties with the Service Provider Federation, the CLARIN Identity Provider has been created. More on the technical details here.

Federated Content Search

The CLARIN (Federated) Content Search (FCS) introduces an interface specification that decouples search engine functionality from its exploitation and defines data formats for structuring standardised query results. Learn about the technical specifications and implementation here.
Blue mosaïc tiles


CLARIN implements a set of standards, registries, definitions and workflows, which together form the Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI). Learn more about supported metadata formats and metadata-related applications developed at CLARIN.
Shadow of a cat behind a curtain to remind of the Github mascot octocat

CLARIN on GitHub

Most CLARIN software is kept in repositories in the CLARIN GitHub organisation, while a large share of the software currently being developed, as well as other CLARIN consortia-related software, is now also hosted on GitHub.
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Infrastructure Applications

CLARIN also develops infrastructure web applications, which are mainly intended for a technical audience or infrastructure developers. This section provides an overview of the CLARIN web applications.