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Centre news vol. 33 - September 2017

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

CLARIN SPF extended with Hungary and Portugal

All CLARIN service providers are now also accessible to academic users from Hungary and Portugal. Currently, over 1700 identity providers are connected in total.

Identity Provider migration concluded

The migration to the new CLARIN Identity Provider has been concluded in July by decommissioning the old instance – after some last compatibility issues were addressed. The CLARIN Identity Provider can be found in the discovery service under the label website account (New).

Fresh datasets

The metadata from the French Mediterranean Research Center for the Humanities repository are now accessible via the Virtual Language Observatory.

FCS 2.0 Specification

The full specification for the Federated Content Search protocol (2.0) is now available. Updated libraries and endpoint compliancy checkers will soon be available too - keep an eye on the next Centre News!

New VLO blog

This blog article nicely summarizes the new developments around the Virtual Language Observatory.

CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables

The following deliverable reports are now available:

CMDI Best Practices Guide

The task force is currently working on a best practices guide for metadata in CLARIN. A draft version of this guide is now available on the CLARIN website. You are welcome to have a look and send your feedback to cmdi [at] (cmdi[at]clarin[dot]eu). The task force will also be present at the bazaar of the upcoming CLARIN Annual Conference, where you will also be able to have a closer look at the guide, and discuss its content with the task force members. The guide will also be presented in the fourth paper session of the conference.


FCS Aggregator

There are building activities planned at the Språkbanken centre. Expected downtime is during the night, for not more than 4 hours, starting Wednesday, 13 September 22:00 lasting until 02:00 Thursday, 14 September. As a result, the Federated Content Search Aggregator, will be unavailable for a period within this time frame.