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Centre news vol. 30 - February 2017

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

CLARIN services now available to academics from Lithuania

All CLARIN service providers are now also accessible to academic users from Lithuania. Currently, 1264 identity providers are connected in total.

Upcoming centre assessment round

The deadline for submitting the required documentation for the upcoming centre assessment round is Friday 28 April. Please make sure to take a look at the new DSA guidelines (2017-2019).

Centres with a B-certificate expiring before July 2017 have also been reminded in a separate email. In the future this reminder will be sent 6 months in advance.

Centre Meeting 2017

Please mark 16 and 17 May in your agenda for the 2017 edition of the Centre Meeting (see 2015 and 2016 edition to get an idea what this is about). More information, including a detailed agenda, will follow as soon as possible.

Planned migration of the CLARIN Identity Provider

The long-awaited migration of our Identity Provider ( ) has now been fully tested. Important dates in the migration plan are:

  • 15 March - some minor downtimes of e.g. the component registry are expected. From this date on the new (beta) IdP will be available for login, in parallel to the old one.

  • Users will need to perform a password reset when using the new IdP. An e-mail about this will be sent to all account owners on 27 March.

  • The old IdP will be disabled on 31 March. From that date on only the new IdP can be used to login. However, users that have not reset their password will still be able to do so after this date.

If you administer a service provider please note:

  • If you are consuming (and regularly refreshing) the latest CLARIN IdP metadata the process should not require any action from your side.

  • If you are using the central discovery service, the same goes: we will take care of the migration. If not, we advice to advertise both the new and the old IdP between 27 and 31 March.

  • If you host a description about how to login using the CLARIN IdP, please think about updating this between 15 and 27 March. There will be a different user interface, but the functionality and the policy will remain the same. We will however keep the currently used URLs to register an account and to reset the password active.

We will get back to you with more detailed information in the week of 13 March. In the meanwhile, if you have questions about this subject please contact spf [at] (spf[at]clarin[dot]eu).

Linked Data 4 Linguistic Research workshop materials

The presentations from the recent LD4LR workshop are now available online. The presentation LD in the CLARIN infrastructure contains a summary of the results of the questionnaire to which several centres contributed (thank you for that!).

New component registry

A new minor version of the Component Registry is now available in production. It adds support for numerous new CMDI 1.2 features such as external vocabularies and multilingual documentation in the editor, and introduces a ‘lifecycle’ for components and profiles that includes draft publications, deprecation and appointment of successors. An extensive list of changes can be found in the release notes.

Updated documentation is available to help metadata modellers understand the changes and additions in this new version. Question and remarks can be sent to cmdi [at] (cmdi[at]clarin[dot]eu).

WebLicht now compatible with CMDI 1.2

The 1.2 related updates for Weblicht services have been deployed. So now it should be safe to make an update to the metadata of your Weblicht webservices. The updates are backward compatible, which means the 1.1 version of metadata can be still correctly harvested and used.

CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables

The following deliverable reports are now available:

An overview of all deliverables can be found on the website.

DSpace Video Tutorial

Videos of the tutorial 'How to set up a CLARIN B-centre using a modified DSpace' are now available on our YouTube channel.

Recently registered centres

CLARIN website styling

You might have noticed several updates to the CLARIN website layout: the link colours are now lighter, several service pages contain action buttons that are easy to click and social media links have been added. Further improvements will follow gradually.

A full CLARIN styling guide is on the way. In the meantime interested developers can find a packaged version of the style (based on Bootstrap) at GitHub.