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Centre news vol. 31 - April 2017

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Centre Meeting 2017

The programme of the 2017 Centre Meeting is now available online, as is the registration form.

CLARIN SPF extended with France, Greece and CMU

All CLARIN service providers are now also accessible to academic users from France, Greece and Carnegie Mellon University (USA). Currently, 1581 identity providers are connected in total.

Successful migration of the CLARIN Identity Provider

Last week we successfully made the switch to the new CLARIN Identity Provider. There were some initial issues for users of Safari, but these have been addressed. The old Identity provider will remain available read-only for a short while, but we plan to disable it in the next couple of weeks.

New version of the Virtual Language Observatory

Version 4.1 of the has been released with a number of new features and fixes. Notable changes in this version include:

  • Multiple values can be selected (OR/AND) for the facets

  • Collection names are shown below record titles in the search results

  • English descriptions are shown first in search results and the record page

  • Records with only one resource have this resource featured more prominently

  • Better pagination in the 'all facet values' view

  • The help page has been extended and updated, and made easier to find

  • Additional and improved icons for resource types and licence/availability categories

  • A number of mapping improvements


A full list of changes can be found in the change log. The VLO itself can be found at