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Conferences, workshops and other events related to CLARIN.

Date Title City Country
7 Sep 2011, 00:00 - 9 Sep 2011, 00:00 CLARIN-D tutorial Nijmegen Netherlands
18 Jun 2011, 22:00 - 21 Jun 2011, 22:00 Digital Humanities 2011 conference Stanford United States
7 Jun 2011, 22:00 - 10 Jun 2011, 22:00 New Directions in the Humanities Granada Spain
10 Apr 2011, 22:00 - 14 Apr 2011, 22:00 CLARA Course on Processing Morphologically Rich Languages Budapest Hungary
3 Apr 2011, 22:00 - 4 Apr 2011, 22:00 Shared Services for the Humanities
16 Jan 2011, 23:00 CMDI Tutorial Nijmegen Netherlands