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Conferences, workshops and other events related to CLARIN.

Date Title City Country
22 Nov 2010, 23:00 - 23 Nov 2010, 23:00 National Grid Service Innovation Forum
21 Oct 2010, 22:00 Workshop "Legally Safe Practices for Sharing Language Resources" Vienna Austria
20 Oct 2010, 22:00 NEERI 2010 Vienna Austria
18 Oct 2010, 22:00 - 19 Oct 2010, 22:00 CLARIN/DARIAH Conference, Vienna, Austria Vienna Austria
3 Aug 2010, 22:00 - 4 Aug 2010, 22:00 Workshop on Lexicon Tools and Lexicon Standards
18 Jul 2010, 22:00 - 11 Aug 2010, 22:00 Broadening the Digital Humanities: the Vectors-IML/UC-HRI Summer Institute Los Angeles United States
11 Jul 2010, 22:00 - 13 Jul 2010, 22:00 TEI @ Oxford Summer School 2010 Oxford United Kingdom
5 Jul 2010, 07:00 - 16 Jul 2010, 12:00 CLARA Summer School 2010 on "Advanced Resource Creation, Archiving and Usage" Nijmegen Netherlands
2 Jun 2010, 22:00 - 3 Jun 2010, 22:00 31st Annual General Linguistics Conference, TABU Dag 2010 Groningen Netherlands
26 May 2010, 22:00 CMDI workshop Nijmegen Netherlands
17 May 2010, 22:00 LRT standards workshop Valetta Malta
16 May 2010, 22:00 - 22 May 2010, 22:00 LREC 2010 Valetta Malta
18 Apr 2010, 22:00 - 19 Apr 2010, 22:00 EPIC workshop
22 Mar 2010, All day ECRI 2010 Barcelona Spain
18 Mar 2010, 23:00 ESOP Open Seminar