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Workshop "Legally Safe Practices for Sharing Language Resources"

2nd D-SPIN/CLARIN WP7 Workshop on Legal Issues related to Language Resources (LR) and Research infrastructures ( )
Date: Friday, 22 October, 2010 (after NEERI 2010)
Place: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Theatersaal, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, Vienna


The goal of this workshop is to identify and discuss different ways to deal with the legal obstacles concerning the collection, distribution, and use of digital language resources (LR) as research data. A special focus will be on how large research infrastructures (RI) like CLARIN can help to improve the situation by using its organaisational influence as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium ( )  and by using a harmonized contractual framework accompanied by technical approaches that prevent license violations, on the one hand and help to use the full potential of the legally possible, on the other hand.

Topics and Questions (Draft)

  1. Basic legal conditions/framework
    • What amendments of European Copyright Law could facilitate the sharing of language resources as research data?
    • What are the prospects for an addition of an "academic use" exception to the European Union Copyright Directive (EUCD)?
    • What are the developments outside Europe? What are their chances of transferability? 
  2. Best Practices
    • How can we ensure the re-usability of LR of different types in RI?
    • Is it possible to make data protected LR re-usable?
    • How can RI foster the re-usability of LR?
    • How we deal with the problem of non-transferrable licenses and re-distribution?
  3. License and consent models
    • What licenses do we need to make LR usable (in RI)?
    • What are the prospects of a harmonization of license and consent models in Europe?
    • How can we convince resource providers and rights holders to upgrade their license agreements?
  4. Creation of countervalues
    • How can we convince rights holders to give usage rights for research purposes? (Why should rights holders sign license contracts?)
    • What non-monetary countervalues can we create?
    • How can large distributed ERICs become trustworthy partners for publishing companies?
    • How could business models to cover license fees look like?
  5. Technical measures
    • How can technical measures help ...
      • to convince rights holders to sign license contracts?
      • to prevent license violations?
      • to keep license fees low?
    • How can a Shibboleth-based be implemented in SOAs and processing chains?
    • How can a de-central, license-based authorization be implemented in AAIs?
    • Alternative architectures: Can the code come to the data if the data is not allowed to move?
  6. Risk management
    • How can resource and service providers deal with the risk of damages?
    • How can we exhaust the legal framework?
    • (How) can we enter legal gray areas without putting too much trust, reputation, or money at risk?
