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CMDI Tutorial

On January 17 CLARIN NL will organize another CLARIN metadata tutorial at the Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics that is meant to make people familiar with how metadata is created and handled in the CLARIN infrastructure.
The tutorial is meant for participants in the CLARIN NL/EU projects that want to learn how to create CLARIN metadata. There will be demonstrations and hands-on sessions using the special tools that were developed for creating CLARIN metadata schemas and creating metadata for resources. Additionally there will be this time also demonstrations and opportunities to use newly available tools to search and browse through CLARIN metadata such as the new version of the CLARIN (Virtual Language Observatory).
A specific agenda will be published soon including the following points:
·        overview
·        Modeling metadata with the CMDI Component Editor and Registry
·        Using and defining metadata concepts in the ISO-
·        Creating metadata using the ARBIL metadata editor
·        Exploiting CLARIN metadata using the CLARIN metadata services and the VLO
An important part of the tutorial will be spent on actually (learn) using the CMDI tools and therefore participants are requested to bring their notebooks and make sure that Java 1.5 (or higher) was installed. You can test that via this site.

If you are interested in participating, please register by sending an email to daan.broeder [at] (daan[dot]broeder[at]mpi[dot]nl)

9.30 Welcome & Coffee
10.00 CLARIN Metadata Infrastructure, an overview.
10.30 The ISO-DCR
10.50 CMDI Component Registry & Editor
11.20 ARBIL, The CMDI Metadata Editor
12.00 Preferred Components and Profiles
12.30 Lunch
13.15 CMDI use in the NaLiDa project
13.45 Exploiting Metadata: Metadata Services & VLO
15.00 Metadata tools Hands-on


