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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

Programme CLARIN Annual Conference 2016

-- For general information on the Conference, see the event-page. --

Videos of the plenary sessions can be found on CLARIN 's YouTube channel.


Day 1: Committee meetings, opening ceremony, thematic session including invited talk



Wednesday October 26 Room

09:00 – 11:15


Centre Assessment Committee
Standards Committee  
Legal and Ethical Issues Committee
Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure Committee
User Involvement
+ Metadata Curation Taskforce


Milhaud 2
Forbin 1
Milhaud 4
Milhaud 3
Milhaud 1
Forbin 2

11:15 Coffee break  
11:45 – 13:00


Workshop on Usability (limited places, register with Kadri Vare via kadri.vare [at] (kadri[dot]vare[at]ut[dot]ee))



Milhaud 1
Milhaud 2
Forbin 1


13:00 Lunch  
14:00 – 16:00


NCF meeting
SCCTC meeting
Taskforce meetings ( and )
Workshop on Usability continued



Milhaud 1
Milhaud 2
Forbin 2
Forbin 1


16:00 Coffee break  
16:30 CLARIN 2016 opening ceremony by Franciska de Jong (Executive Director) (video), Lars Borin (Programme Chair) (slides, video) and Brigitte Bigi (Local Organizer) (video) Cezanne

Thematic session: Language resources and historical sources

17:00 – 18:30

17:00 Texts, language and geography: Understanding literature using geographical text analysis
Keynote by Professor Ian Gregory, Lancaster University (slides, video)

17:40 What’s in a Name? The case of Albanisch-Albanesisch and Broader Implications
Alexander Erdmann, Erhard Hinrichs and Brian Joseph (slides, video)

18:05 Canonical Text Services in CLARIN - Reaching out to the Digital Classics and beyond
Jochen Tiepmar, Thomas Eckart, Dirk Goldhahn and Christoph Kuras (slides, video)


19:00 Drinks at Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL)  



Day 2: Papers, posters and general sessions, keynote


Time Thursday October 27 Room

State of the Infrastructure 

Bente Maegaard (slides, video) and Koenraad De Smedt (slides, video)


09:45 – 11:00

Paper session 1 

09:45 Annotating CLARIN.SI TEI corpora with WebAnno
Tomaž Erjavec, Špela Arhar Holdt, Jaka Čibej, Kaja Dobrovoljc, Darja Fišer, Cyprian Laskowski and Katja Zupan (slides, video)

10:10 Discovering Resources in the VLO: Evaluation and Suggestions from the Perspective of Translation Studies
Vesna Lusicky and Tanja Wissik (slides, video)

10:35 Number game – Experience of a European research infrastructure (CLARIN) for the analysis of web traffic
Go Sugimoto (slides, video)

11:00 Coffee break  
11:30 Presentation on CLARIN in France (CLARIN-FR) — Patrice Bellot (slides, video) Cezanne

11:45 – 13:00

Paper session 2

11:45 ORTOLANG: a French infrastructure for Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage
Jean-Marie Pierrel and Christophe Parisse (slides, video)

12:10 Integrating corpora of computer-mediated communication into the language resources landscape:
     Initiatives and best practices from French, German, Italian and Slovenian projects

Michael Beißwenger, Thierry Chanier, Isabella Chiari, Tomaž Erjavec, Darja Fišer, Axel Herold, Nikola Lubešić,
Harald Lüngen,Céline Poudat, Egon Stemle, Angelika Storrer and Ciara Wigham (slides, video)

12:35 The CLARIN Language Resource Switchboard 
Claus Zinn (slides, video)

13:00 Lunch  

Short reports on Committee meetings (by the respective chairs)
Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure Committee, by Sebastian Drude (slidesvideo)

Assessment Committee, by Lene Offersgaard (slides, video)

Legal and Ethical Issues Committee, by Andreas Witt (slides, video)

User Involvement Group, by Martin Wynne (slides, video)


15:10 The CLARIN Bazaar - an informal space to meet people and present ideas and work in progress. List of stalls, and more information about the Bazaar. Milhaud
16:00 Coffee break  
16:30 – 17:30

Poster and demo session 1 (poster slam slides and video)

Integrating corpora of computer-mediated communication into the language resources landscape: Initiatives and best practices from French, German, Italian and Slovenian projects
Michael Beißwenger, Thierry Chanier, Isabella Chiari, Tomaž Erjavec, Darja Fišer, Axel Herold, Nikola Lubešić, Harald Lüngen, Céline Poudat, Egon Stemle, Angelika Storrer and Ciara Wigham

ORTOLANG Diffusion - A Component Based Digital Object Repository
Jerome Blanchard, Etienne Petitjean and Frederic Pierre

Not quite your usual kind of resource. and the documentation of Oral Archives in CLARIN
Francesca Frontini and Silvia Calamai

ORTOLANG: a French infrastructure for Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage
Jean-Marie Pierrel and Christophe Parisse

CLARIN Resources for Classical Latin and Historical German
Brian Macwhinney, Uwe Springmann, Zarah Weiss, Kowalski John, Anke Lüdeling and Detmar Meurers

AHA: Anagram Hashing Application
Martin Reynaert

Canonical Text Services in CLARIN - Reaching out to the Digital Classics and beyond
Jochen Tiepmar, Thomas Eckart, Dirk Goldhahn and Christoph Kuras

Researcher Hands-On Training in the Digital Humanities: An Austrian Case Study
Tanja Wissik and Claudia Resch



Why technologies are not neutral, and why it matters for linguists
Keynote by Professor Sally Wyatt, Maastricht University (slides, video)

18:15 Closing of the programme of day 2 Cezanne

19:30 Conference dinner at Hotel Aquabella  



Day 3: Papers, posters and general sessions


Time Friday October 28 Room
09:00 – 10:40

Paper session 3 

09:00 TillTal – making cultural heritage accessible for speech research
Johanna Berg, Rickard Domeij, Jens Edlund, Gunnar Eriksson, David House, Zofia Malisz, Susanne Nylund Skog and Jenny Öqvist (slides, video)

09:25 Polish Read Speech Corpus for Speech Tools and Services
Danijel Koržinek, Krzysztof Marasek and Łukasz Brocki (slides, video)

09:50 TalkBank within CLARIN
Brian MacWhinney (slides, video)

10:15 Conversion and Annotation Web Services for Spoken Language Data in CLARIN
Thomas Schmidt, Hanna Hedeland and Daniel Jettka (slides, video)

10:40 Coffee break  
11:10 – 12:00

Paper session 4

11:10 AAI: systematically addressing the attribute release problem
Jozef Mišutka, Ondřej Košarko and Amir Kamran (slides, video)

11:35 Curation module in action - preliminary findings on VLO metadata quality
Davor Ostojic, Go Sugimoto and Matej Ďurčo (slides, video)


12:00 State of the technical infrastructure (by Dieter van Uytvanck, Technical Director) (slides, video) Cezanne
12:30 Lunch  
14:00 – 15:00

Poster and demo session 2 (poster slam slides and video)

A SOLR Lucene based Multi Tier Annotation search solution
Matthijs Brouwer, Marc Kemps-Snijders and Hennie Brugmann

Web Service for Easy Text-to-TEI Normalization and Metadata Creation
Bart Jongejan, Lene Offersgaard and Dorte Haltrup Hansen

TalkBank within CLARIN
Brian MacWhinney

Curation module in action – preliminary findings on VLO metadata quality
Davor Ostojic, Go Sugimoto and Matej Ďurčo

Setting up the national infrastructure clarin:el
Stelios Piperidis and Maria Gavrilidou

OpenSKOS next edition: triplestore support for controlled vocabularies
Olha Shkaravska, Marc Kemps-Snijders and Menzo Windhouwer

Number game – Experience of a European research infrastructure (CLARIN) for the analysis of web traffic
Go Sugimoto

FLAT: A CLARIN-compatible repository solution based on Fedora Commons
Paul Trilsbeek and Menzo Windhouwer

Just for the record, CMDI should be about semantic interoperability
Thorsten Trippel and Claus Zinn


15:00 Steven Krauwer Award for Young Scientists ceremony (video) Cezanne


Looking forward 

Darja Fišer (slides, video) and Franciska de Jong (slides, video)

Acknowledgements and goodbye

Lars Borin (video)

15:45 End of conference Cezanne



Day 4: Post-conference SAB meeting


Time Saturday October 29 Location
09:00 Scientific Advisory Board: closed meeting Hotel Aquabella
10:30 Coffee break  
11:00 Scientific Advisory Board: closed meeting Hotel Aquabella
13:00 Lunch