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Fact Sheet: (CLARIN in) EOSC Focus

The EOSC Focus in a Nutshell 


Full project name (with link to project page) 

EOSC Focus 


36 months, June 2022 to May 2025

Project coordinator (main applicant)

European Open Science Cloud Association AISBL (EOSC-A)


9 partners: 8 members of -A (BelnetCLARIN ERICCREAFCSC – IT Center for ScienceEGINational Science Center PolandTechnical University of GrazTechnical University of Vienna). and EOSC-A itself

Summary of main topic and goals

EOSC Focus will support the co-programmed EOSC Partnership in delivering its mission of establishing Open Science as the “new normal” and achieving the key objectives, which are outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and EOSC-A.


CLARIN in the Project

CLARIN's role in the workplan

CLARIN is the lead in WP5 "Sustainability of EOSC". In addition, CLARIN will be involved in - T2.1  Developing the Engagement Strategy for the EOSC Partnership - T2.2  Engaging Organisations: Supporting the EOSC-Partnership  Regional Relations - T3.1 Interaction with Advisory Groups and Task Forces - T3.2 EC-funded EOSC project and technical developments

Person months for CLARIN

36 person months from a total of 385

CLARIN's coordinator for this project

Franciska de Jong


Administrative Details





Type of action


Grant Agreement number


Internal pages for EOSC Focus with WPs, deliverables, distribution of PMs, Events, etc.