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Fact Sheet: (CLARIN in) ECHOES

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The ECHOES Project in a Nutshell

Full project name European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science (ECHOES)
Duration 60 months, June 2024 to June 2029
Project coordinator (main applicant)  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Consortium The consortium is led by the CNRS, and includes the CNR (the National Research Council of Italy), the FSP (Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine), and main infrastructures and heritage umbrella organisations, such as ARIADNE-RI AISBL, CLARIN ERIC,  DARIAH ERIC, Europeana, NEMO, E-RIHS, JPI CH, and ARCHE.


Summary of Main Topic and Goals

ECHOES aims to create the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) as a shared platform for heritage professionals and researchers to access data, innovative scientific and training resources and advanced digital tools co-developed by the heritage community according to their specific needs. ECHOES will bring together fragmented communities of the Cultural Heritage (CH) field, which consists of various actors from different sectors and disciplines, into a new community around the Digital Commons.

CLARIN in the Project


CLARIN will be involved in WP2 'Communication, Dissemination, Engagement', WP4 'Building a New Community', WP5 'Capacity Building and Training', WP6 'Setting the Cloud Environment' and WP8 'Vertical Applications.


Person months for CLARIN: 

40,50 person months from a total of 2857,70

CLARIN's coordinator for this project:

Darja Fišer


Administrative Details


Type of action HORIZON-IA
Grant Agreement number 101157364


Internal pages for ECHOES with WPs, deliverables, distribution of PMs, Events, etc.