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European Open Science Cloud

These days, there is a lot of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in the air. There are events all across Europe (overview), projects related to EOSC (EOSC-hubSSH Open Cloud, EOSC Future, EOSC Focus and FAIRCORE4EOSC to name a few), and funding calls aimed at the enabling of an operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem (INFRAEOSC, a part of the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures work programme).  

But what is it really about? How can you use it? And how does EOSC relate to CLARIN? Here, we group the information into a selection of topics. You can also watch a video that shows how readily available CLARIN services and datasets that have been integrated into EOSC are.

CLARIN Services in the EOSC

Learn more and try it

This video shows how many language processing services, both from CLARIN centres and other providers, are just a click away. These thematic services can be applied to the thousands of digitised language resources that are accessible online. The CLARIN infrastructure helps discover the resources and connects these data sets and tools. In this model of service federation all CLARIN nodes are working together on the European Open Science Cloud!


CLARIN at the Launch of the EOSC Portal

Go to the EOSC demonstration

The video demonstration below of the EOSC Portal using CLARIN data and thematic services was presented at the EOSC launch event on 23 November 2018 in Vienna. It gives a good insight in how CLARIN – together with other research infrastructures – is shaping the EOSC.


CLARIN's Involvement in EOSC and EOSC-Related Projects

In June 2017, CLARIN ERIC signed the EOSC Declaration, as member of a coalition of 'doers'.  CLARIN ERIC is a member of the EOSC Association (EOSC-A) that was established in 2020.

Several CLARIN representatives are involved in EOSC Task Forces

Over the past years CLARIN has joined some of the H2020/Horizon Europe projects aimed at the further development of EOSC.   Find out more on the projects, the consortia involved, etc. via the project factsheets, and the blog post on the integration of the Virtual Language Observatory in EOSC.

  • CLARIN is currently participating in the following projects: 
  • Earlier on CLARIN participated in the project EOSC-hub (2018-2021).
  • Between 2019 and 2022, the project 'Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud' (SSHOC) has proven an important vehicle for the collaboration between the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research infrastructures (RIs). The ERICs involved acted as a science cluster (aka thematic cluster) in the context of the emerging EOSC ecosystem. As of April 2022 the parties involved collaborate under the name of SSH Open Cluster. The project outcomes and results are summarised in the an overview of the SSHOC Legacy booklet . Find out more about SSHOC:
  • About the position of SSHOC and the other science clusters on the future of EOSC: 
    • position paper (2019) on Expectations and Long-Term Commitment in Open Science
    • position paper (2024) on operational commitment to EOSC and Open Research  

The EOSC Association

The EOSC Association was founded in 2020 as the legal entity to govern the European Science Cloud.and has currently over 200 member and observers.
  • The EOSC Association website provides information on a range of topics including governance model, strategy, task forces, calls and projects.
  • The EOSC Association issues a monthly public newsletter. You can sign up here.