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Factsheet: (CLARIN in) SSHOC

The SSHOC Project in a Nutshell

Full project name (with link to project page)
Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud

40 months, from January 2019 to April 2022.

Project coordinator (main applicant)

19 beneficiaries from the SSH domain, plus their (linked) third parties.

Summary of main topic and goals
The overall objective of the SSHOC project is to realise the social sciences and humanities’ part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) that was set up by the European Commission in 2016. The project aims at realising a cloud-based infrastructure where data are FAIR, and tools and training are available for scholars from those domains in the social science and humanities that have adopted a data-driven scientific approach and that have an interest in the innovation and integration of their methodological frameworks. All SSH ESFRI Landmarks and Projects, as well as some relevant international SSH data infrastructures and the association of European research libraries (LIBER) participate in this project.

CLARIN in the Project

CLARIN's role in the workplan
CLARIN as a whole participates in 8 out of 9 WPs and will lead WP3 (Lifting Technologies and Services into the SSH Cloud).

Person months for CLARIN
242,5 person months for CLARIN at large. 

Participating CLARIN partners (through direct project partnership or secondments)
CLARIN ERIC uses 119 of the available PMs. Via secondments or linked third party arrangements the following parties are involved (PMs between brackets):  Athena (20,5), Charles University Prague (28,5), Universität Tübingen (25,5), Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (18,5), University of Ljubljana (30,5).

CLARIN's coordinator for this project
Franciska de Jong

Administrative Details

Topic-ID: INFRAEOSC-04-2018
Call-ID: H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2020
Type of action: RIA
Proposal number: SEP-210490952
Grant Agreement number: 823782
Internal pages for SSHOC with WPs, deliverables, distribution of PMs, Events, etc.