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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 



Katarzyna Klessa and Anita Lorenc are experimental phoneticians who have prepared a Polish corpus of disordered speech, which has been released in a GDPR-compliant manner in collaboration with the K-ACE Knowledge Centre. 


Dominika Hadro is Assistant Professor at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. She has succesfully collaborated with the PolLinguaTec CLARIN Knowledge Centre in her recent research on corporate finance and accounting.


The CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology (PolLinguaTec) aims to provide knowledge on the application of tools and systems for natural language analysis, especially Polish, within Digital Humanities and Social Sciences.


Tour de CLARIN highlights prominent User Involvement (UI) activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium. This time the focus is on Poland and Dr Maciej Maryl, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


Learn more about plWordNet (Polish Słowosieć), a (large) lexico-semantic network reflecting (the current content and structure of) the Polish lexical system and inspired by the Princeton University WordNet – the very first wordnet, which has been in development since the 1980s.


Find out more about the series of workshops and lectures titled “CLARIN-PL in Research Practice” organized by CLARIN-PL since 2015.


Find out more about WebSty, a powerful web-based system for stylometric, semantic and comparative analysis of texts.


Find out more about the Polish consortium CLARIN-PL,  a founding member of CLARIN that has been actively involved in its operations since the very beginning in 2005.

CLARIN-PL Workshop for humanities and social sciences

It is a busy spring for CLARIN in Poland! CLARIN-PL has launched a series of intensive workshops, tailored to the needs of researchers in the humanities and social sciences, and of translators.