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Tour de CLARIN: 'CLARIN-PL in research practice' - a lecture and workshop series

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Since April 2015, CLARIN-PL has organized a series of workshops and lectures titled “CLARIN-PL in Research Practice”. Six editions of the series have taken place thus far, all of which were well attended with around 40 participants per event. There will be an upcoming 7th edition, which is planned for the second half of May 2018 in Gdańsk.

The goal of the workshops is to present as well as demonstrate the use of the tools and resources developed by CLARIN-PL. The participants, who come from various social sciences and humanities backgrounds such as literary theory, sociology, psychology and history, get to learn how to create and analyse their own corpora and dictionaries as well as learn the foundations of statistical analysis at the workshops. CLARIN-PL thereby raises awareness of what their infrastructure has to offer and promotes novel research that can only be afforded by the use of tools. Moreover, through the workshops, the members of CLARIN-PL have themselves learnt what the expectations and needs of potential users are in relation to the presented tools. Every workshop has involved a large number of participants who were always eager to provide their own important perspectives and offer potential solutions.

Some participants have become regular users of CLARIN-PL services. Consequently, CLARIN-PL has become a technological partner in numerous successful research projects. To give a notable example, the first workshop in April 2017 has led to the successful collaboration between CLARIN-PL and the Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research, which lasts to this day and has resulted in important empirical results in the field of Literary Studies, such as the creation of an interactive literary map of Warsaw, and work on state-of-the-art digital services dedicated to researching literature, such as the Literary Exploration Machine, which brings together various computational tools for literary analysis and exploration in the form of a single user-friendly online environment.



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