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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 



The 2017 Steven Krauwer Award for CLARIN Achievements is awarded to Paul Meurer (Uni Research Computing, Norway).

Videolectures icon circle

Watch the video recordings from the 6th CLARIN Annual Conference, Budapest 2017


A blog post about the 3rd edition of the Translation Technologies Summer School, jointly organised by the Department of Translation at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, and the Slovenian Language Technologies Society, written by Jure Škerl. 


Cultural heritage data for the social sciences and humanities

Centre News icon

In this issue: CLARIN SPF extended with Hungary and Portugal, Identity Provider migration concluded, Fresh datasets, 2.0 Specification, New blog, CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables, Best Practices Guide, Maintenance


The Tool Galleries are user involvement events organized three times a year by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH).


Tanja Wissik is a senior researcher at the Centre of Digital Humanities of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. 


The Austrian Baroque Corpus (ABaC:us) is a digital collection of printed texts from the Baroque era, with the bulk of the data from the period between 1650 and 1750.



A summary of the Digital Humanities Madrid Summer School 2017 entitled "Semantic Technologies and Linguistic Tools for Digital Humanities".


A guest blog post by Adrien Barbaresi, Research Associate at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Academy Corpora) and Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Zentrum Sprache).