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Digital Humanities Madrid Summer School 2017

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Between 3 and 5 July, the Laboratory of Innovation of Digital Humanities of UNED organized the DH@Madrid Summer School 2017, which was titled "Semantic Technologies and Linguistic Tools for Digital Humanities". At this three-day event, Philology and Digital Humanities students and researchers learned how to use and apply methods and tools from the contemporary digital context to their research projects.

The school was co-financed by the European Research Infrastructure CLARIN ERIC and by the POSTDATA project, which is funded by the ERC Starting Grant and led by Elena González Blanco García. The POSTDATA project aims to create a unique model that makes the data from different poetic traditions interoperable through the application of semantic procedures.

The course started on Monday afternoon when two lectures were given by researchers from UNED and from the POSTDATA project. The speakers were Antonio Robles, José Manual Fradejas, Agustín Caminero and María Luisa Díez and the lectures were titled "R - a computer language for textual analysis" and "How to create a CLARIN metadata schema for the LINDAT repository". The presenters talked about how issues within the Digital Humanities can be solved through the application of programming environments like R and through the involvement in research infrastructures such as CLARIN ERIC.

On Tuesday, Helena Bermúdez and Mariana Curado Malta, both of whom are researchers in the POSTDATA project, opened the day by showing the participants how to develop a data model for poetry in the context of linked data. In the afternoon, Pablo Ruiz, a researcher at LINHD, gave a lesson on the manipulation of written text strings and, together with Clara Martinez, an associate professor of Literary Theory at UNED, talked about the automatisation of poetry analysis. Susan Schreibman from Maynooth University gave a plenary talk on her experiences in Digital Humanities and Fahad Khan from the Zampolli Institute in Pisa presented the relation between ontologies and Digital Humanities. The day concluded with a talk given by Mikel Iruskieta from the University of the Basque Country in which he presented the Spanish Clarin-K-Center.

On Wednesday, Jorge Gracia from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid gave a talk on how Linked Open Data can be used for the creation of language resource catalogues and Eetu Mäkelä from Aalto University, University of Helsinki and University of Oxford presented the Finnish infrastructure in relation to linked open data. After the presentations, the course ended in true Spanish fashion with a social dinner: tapas.

You can watch the videos of the courses here. We would like to thank CLARIN for all the support and to all the speakers and participants. We hope to see you all next year in Madrid!

Blog post by Mara Manailescu and Elena Gonzalez Blanco.