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historical corpora

Uncovering Hidden Voices: Oral History as Sustainable and Reusable Data

The Project, Oral history, often used by communities whose historical experiences have left few textual or material traces, plays a crucial role in uncovering hidd
‘If a colleague of mine wants to teach about women’s history, and wants their students to access oral histories, they can work in the Media Suite. Thi, btn-arrow-circle, Gerse.jpg, image-left
Working with several partners – grassroots organisation Dona Daria and cultural foundation DIG IT UP, as well as GeschiedenisLab, Stadsarchief Rotterd
Goals and Processes, The project’s aim is to design a ‘story cycle model’, a workflow template that can be reused by heritage associations for future projects. Based on a
DonaDaria.jpg, ‘We discuss, what does it mean to create oral history? How can I make sure that what I have created can be seen as data, can be found as data, and reu
Building on Karrouche’s experience with the digitisation of a previous oral history project, entitled ‘Ziel van de Wederopbouw’, which is already part
‘It is important to work with these types of smaller collections on subjects that are burning topics in society, but are not easily identified in a la, btn-arrow-circle, RtSA.jpg, image-left
One of the most important things, it emerged, is making informed consent forms part of the process, which was not routinely done in the past. Herit
Discover the CLARIAH Mediasuite:, CLARIAH Mediasuite, btn-arrow-circle, Clariah_logo.jpg, image-left
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Output and Results, The project, which began this year, will continue until the summer of 2022, with a symposium and a ‘live magazine’ to showcase the story cycle model a
Role of CLARIN, ‘For CLARIAH, it’s such a practical, concrete way to be relevant in society. You are making a small difference, ensuring that as a large digital infra
Norah Karrouche, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Senior researcher, Erasmus School of History, Culture an
DIG IT UP:, btn-arrow-circle

ABaC:us – Austrian Baroque Corpus

Austrian Baroque Corpus collage of page images

The Austrian Baroque Corpus is a digital collection of printed German language texts dating from the Baroque era, now freely available through the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities:

At present, the digital collection holds several texts specific to the memento mori genre written by, or ascribed to, Abraham a Sancta Clara (1644-1710), who was a renowned Augustinian monk, and a widely read author throughout Europe at his time. All of the texts (sermons, devotional books and works related to the dance-of-death theme) have been enriched with different layers of structural information and tagged using automated tools adapted to the specific needs of the language of the period. One important achievement of the project is that each occurring historic word form has been electronically mapped to its corresponding lemma in High German and corrected or verified by domain experts. Throughout all of the phases of the workflow, the interdisciplinary team (literary, linguistic, and text technology specialists) insisted on high quality linguistic and semantic annotation, creating a sound basis that allows for sophisticated research questions. 

Austrian Centre for the Digital Humanities
Project leader
Claudia Resch
Contact email

The present corpus was compiled between 2010 and 2015 at the Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology (ICLTT) and at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, alongside two associated research projects: “Text‐Technological Methods for the Analysis of Austrian Baroque Literature“ (March 2012 – September 2014, supported by funds of the Österreichische Nationalbank, Anniversary Fund) and “Mortuary Cult in 17th Century Vienna: Confraternity Studies in the Digital Age” (June 2014 – May 2015, supported by funds of the City of Vienna).