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Four CLARIN Knowledge Centres ... and counting

Submitted by Sebastian Drude on

With the recently certified Knowledge Centre on speech data (CLARIN-SPEECH),  we now have a total of four K-Centres, all established in 2015, and exemplifying the range of K-Centres that is possible. Compare (CLARIN > About > Centres > K-Centres).

  1. Spanish CLARIN K-Centre – a distributed K-centre with three participating institutions that jointly provide expertise on language resources about major languages of a country (in this case Spain, notice that Spain is not yet part of CLARIN- ).
  2. CLARIN Knowledge Centre forTreebanking – a trans-nationally (Czech Rep. and Norway) distributed K-Centre with expertise on a certain datatype (here treebanks; notice that now a third CLARIN-centre, Tübingen/Germany, is joining this distributed K-Centre).
  3. Phonogrammarchiv CLARIN K-Centre – a single-site K-Centre in Austria that offers expertise of a certain type of activities (Audio-visual fieldwork and long-time preservation of audio-visual data).
  4. CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Speech Analysis (CLARIN-SPEECH) – a single-site K-Centre in Sweden that offers expertise of a certain type of resources (speech data).

Several other K-Centres are in the pipeline or planned, and the KSIC is intensifying its efforts to install more K-Centres and other planned aspects of the .

Have you considered to have your centre recognized as a CLARIN K-centre, either on your own or together with other partners (possibly in other countries)? You can do so with not too much effort, and you can do so even if you are not active in CLARIN yet, and even if you are not in a CLARIN member country. For more information, have a look at the page on knowledge centres, in particular the instructions for applicants. It is also possible for an institution to join an existing distributed K-centre as one more partner if you have expertise in the same area.