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CLARIN in a Nutshell

A photo of the CLARIN flyer next to a coffee, laptop and pen


CLARIN stands for Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure and ERIC stands for European Research Infrastructure Consortium.

CLARIN is a digital infrastructure which provides easy and sustainable access to a broad range of language data and tools to support research in the humanities and social sciences, and beyond. CLARIN provides access to multimodal digital language data (text, audio, video) and advanced tools with which to explore, analyse or combine these datasets. 

CLARIN is a distributed digital infrastructure, with participating centres all over Europe and further afield, which include universities, research centres, libraries and public archives. Tools and data from different centres are interoperable so that data collections can be combined and tools from different sources can be chained to perform operations at different levels of complexity, regardless of their location. 

Members can access all tools and resources with a single sign-on, and many of the resources are also open access for other interested communities of use, both within and outside of academia.


The Open Science agenda and and the FAIR data principles lie at the heart of CLARIN’s values. The interoperability of data and services across the CLARIN community has enabled large-scale data sharing and growing reuse of language resources. Interoperability has also proven crucial for the increased support of multidisciplinary collaboration and comparative research agendas. It is CLARIN’s ambition to consolidate its role in supporting the emerging research agendas for the SSH domain and to contribute to the innovation potential of the advanced models for interaction between people, data, and tools for data processing.

The vision of borderless and seamless interoperability between data and services is further realised through CLARIN’s alignment with emerging cloud platforms such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the SSH Open Marketplace.

CLARIN was founded in 2012 and is an European Research Infrastructure Consortium ( ), an international legal entity established by the European Commission in 2009. CLARIN is one of the research infrastructures that was selected for the European Research Infrastructures Roadmap by ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures. In 2016, CLARIN received the status of a Landmark on the ESFRI roadmap.