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Short Guides

These shortguides date from the preparatory phase (2008-2011) and are kept here for reference.

Short, double-sided A4 pages that explain some basic concepts from the CLARIN project.

Centres About the building stones of CLARIN's distributed service architecture.
Centre Criteria About the requirements to become a CLARIN centre
Concept Registry About a central store for concepts, to ensure semantic interoperability within a variated data landscape
Component Metadata About a modular and flexible way of describing linguistic resources.
Persistent Identifiers About sustainable bookmarks to linguistic (and other) resources.
Longterm Preservation About how to ensure today's research data will still be avilable for the next generations.
Standards & Best Practices About how common agreements can lead to enhanced interoperability.
Trust Domain About giving researchers access to services and resources with less bureaucratic and juridical hurdles.
Virtual Collections About how to share personalized data collections.
Standards for Text Encoding Advice about how to create text corpora in a CLARIN-compatible way.
Create Metadata Now About how to provide CLARIN-compatible metadata right away.
REPLIX About a pilot project on data replication and synchronization.
Service Oriented Architecture About a web-service based research environment.
Initial Service Provider Federation About a prototype of the CLARIN Service Provider Federation.
Virtual Language Observatory About the low-barrier portal for Language Resources and Technology.
Web Services Interoperability About web services and how to interconnect them.