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Deliverables of the CLARIN Preparatory Phase Project (2008-2011)

The table below contains all reports (deliverables) as published by CLARIN during its preparatory phase (2008-2011).

Del. no. Deliverable name Lead participant Due month Actual month Comment
D1C-1 Implementation plan for nationally funded projects UU 12 15 ok
D1C-2 Annual status report 2008 UU 12 16 ok
D1C-3 Annual status report 2009 UU 24 26 ok
D1C-4 Annual status report 2010 UU 36 42 is D1M-2
D1C-5 The CLARIN Reference Manual UU 42 42 ok
D1M-1 1st Periodical management and financial report UU 18 20 ok
D1M-2 2nd Periodical management and financial report UU 42 42 ok
D2R-1a Centres Network Formation MPG 3 14 ok
D2R-1b Centres Network Formation - Centre types MPG 3 14 ok
D2R-2a Federation Foundation - LRT MPG 6 14 ok
D2R-2b Federation Foundation - PIDs MPG 6 14 ok
D2R-3a Federation Building - v1 MPG 18 22 ok
D2R-3b Federation Building - v2 MPG 36 38 ok
D2R-4 Registry Requirements MPG 6 14 ok
D2R-5a Registry Infrastructure - v1 MPG 18 22 ok
D2R-5b Registry Infrastructure - v2 MPG 36 38 ok
D2R-6a Web Services and Workflow Requirements - v1 MPG 12 18 ok
D2R-6b Web Services and Workflow Requirements - v2 MPG 24 24 ok
D2R-7a Web Services and Workflow Creation - v1 MPG 24 24 ok
D2R-7b Web Services and Workflow Creation - v2 MPG 36 42 ok
D2R-8 Service and Application Building MPG 36 36 ok
D2R-9a Cost Estimates - v1 MPG 24 24 ok
D2R-9b Cost Estimates - v2 MPG 36 42 ok
D3C-1.1 Working Group Formation Report and Activity Plan HASRIL 6 6 ok
D3C-2.1 Longitudinal study of impacts OTA 36 42 ok
D3C-3.2 Humanities Organizations, Initiatives and Projects Report OTA 24 26 ok
D3C-4.1 Call for Humanities Projects HASRIL 12 12 ok
D3C-5.1 Detailed Project Plans HASRIL 21 21 ok
D3C-6.1 Integrated strategic plan for supporting SSH research HASRIL 36 36 ok
D5C-1 Report about outcome of liaison with other European projects and initiatives UTU 12 14 ok
D5C-2 Language Resources and Tools Survey and taxonomy and criteria for the Quality assessment UTU 24 24 ok
D5C-3 Interoperability and Standards UTU 36 38 ok
D5C-4 Description of the BLARK, the situation of individual languages UTU 24 25 ok
D5R-1 Criteria and Priorities for integration UTU 12 14 ok
D5R-2 Usage Scenarios and Interoperability case studies CNR-ILC 12 18 ok
D5R-3a Integration of LR - v1: Linguistic processing chains as Web Services: Initial linguistic considerations IPIPAN 24 24 ok
D5R-3b Integration of LR - v2 IPIPAN 36 39 ok
D5R-4 Validation of technical standards and infrastructure prototype IPIPAN 36 38 ok
D6C-1.1 Report on setting up network of correspondents and dissemination plan UAIC 3 10 ok
D6C-2.1 Revised Web-Site UAIC 6 10 ok
D6C-3.1 Help-Desk and Registry Prototype Report UAIC 18 42 ok
D6C-4.1 Recommendations for future help-desk and advice infrastructure UAIC 36 42 ok
D7S-2.1 A report including Model Licensing Templates and Authorization and Authentication Scheme UHEL 36 38 ok
D7S-3.1 Collaboration Plan between CLARIN and external services UHEL 24 39 ok
D7S-4.1 Set of Federation Agreements for CLARIN centres UHEL 36 38 ok
D8S-1.1 Requirements and best practice overview for governance UCPH 12 20 ok
D8S-1.2 Analysis and proposal(s) for governance UCPH 24 24 ok
D8S-1.2a The shape of CLARIN (annex to D8S-1.2) UU 24 26 ok
D8S-2.1a Cost estimations for construction and exploitation phase - v1 UCPH 24 26 ok
D8S-2.1b Cost estimations for construction and exploitation phase - v2 UCPH 36 36 see D8S-2.2
D8S-2.2 Financial plan for construction and exploitation phase UCPH 24 41 ok
D8S-3.1 Requirements and best practice for transnational coordination and collaboration with third parties UCPH 12 20 ok
D8S-3.2 Analysis and proposal(s) for coordination UCPH 24 42 ok
D8S-4 Draft CLARIN Construction and Exploitation Agreement UCPH 36 40 see D8S-5
D8S-4a Draft CLARIN ERIC Statutes UCPH 36 24 in D8S-5
D8S-5 CLARIN Construction and Exploitation Agreement (final version) UCPH 42 42 ok
D8S-5a CLARIN ERIC Statutes (final version) UCPH 42 42 in D8S-5