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CLARIN Newsflash: October 2022

Summary of CLARIN2022 and Available Materials

The 2022 edition of the CLARIN Annual Conference (10-12 October) was organised as a hybrid event, taking place in Prague (Czechia) and online. 

Most of the conference materials have been made available on the CLARIN website:

Read the summary 

CLARIN Book Out Now!

The publication of this open-access volume marks CLARIN’s 10-year-anniversary as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium, and is edited by Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana) and Andreas Witt (Leibniz Institute for the German Language Mannheim). The book, launched at CLARIN2022, is the first volume  in a new series on Digital Linguistics, and provides a comprehensive overview of CLARIN, its members, its goals and functioning, as well as of the tools and resources hosted by the infrastructure. The many contributors representing various fields, from computer science to law and psychology, analyse a wide range of topics, such as the technology behind the CLARIN infrastructure, the use of CLARIN resources in diverse research projects, the achievements of selected national CLARIN consortia, and the challenges that CLARIN has faced and will face in the future. 

Get your digital or hard copy here

New Impact Story: Re-evaluating Child Language Assessment Measures for Research and Clinical Use

Dr Nan Bernstein Ratner talks about her latest project CLASP (Child Language ASsessment Project), which makes use of datasets at the CLARIN Knowledge Centre TalkBank. The project hopes to provide a stronger evidence base for child language assessment, which will improve future research, and also support clinicians in mapping out the most effective treatments for children with language disorders.

Bernstein Ratner also discusses how spoken language data is increasingly being used by the automatic speech recognition (ASR) industry in order to train voice assistants to recognise speech by people who stutter. 

Read the full impact story here 


CLARIN to Sign Leiden Declaration on FAIR Digital Objects

Today marks the start of the First International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs). Held in Leiden, the European City of Science 2022, this conference brings together the key technical, scientific, industry, and science-policy stakeholders with the aim of boosting the development and implementation of FDOs worldwide. On the final conference day, the  ‘Leiden Declaration on FAIR Digital Objects’ will be signed to kick-start turning FAIR data into reality in a systematic way. 

CLARIN is proud to be a part of this initiative.

Read the declaration

New B-Centre: CLARIN:EL in Greece

We are pleased to announce that CLARIN:EL, the National Infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies in Greece, has been successfully assessed as a CLARIN B-centre and has received a B-centre certificate. The CLARIN:EL network is coordinated by the Institute of Language and Speech Processing of the Athena Research Centre, and consists of 14 members. The network includes local repositories of affiliated institutions in Greece, as well as the Hosted Resources Repository (HRR) for non-affiliated contributors, all of which can be accessed through CLARIN:EL’s central inventory of language resources and services. In March 2022, inspired by the CLARIN Resource Families initiative, CLARIN:EL launched the dissemination initiative Me, my family and other resources, which has contributed to an increased number of visits to CLARIN:EL during the first half of 2022.

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Updates from the National Consortia

Researchers and Language Technology Developers from the Baltic Countries Meet at Baltic HLT Conference 

The 10th Human Language Technologies - the Baltic Perspective international conference took place in Riga on October 6 and 7. The conference brought together scientists, developers, providers and users to discuss state-of-the-art language technologies in the Baltic sea states, to exchange information, to find new synergies and to promote initiatives for international cooperation. Three invited speakers discussed recent language technology achievements and perspectives in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). In particular, prof. Jan Hajič (Lindat/CLARIAH-CZ) presented European language resource and technology infrastructures and networks, and discussed the future of language technologies. A special session of the conference was devoted to a language technology overview in each of the Baltic States. The oral presentations and poster sessions represented a wide range of topics, including speech processing, machine translation, application of deep learning techniques to different natural language processing tasks, creation of language resources, and more.


Blogs & Reports

A Recap on The CLARIN Café on Online and Desktop Tools for Querying a Language Corpus

Text and corpus analysis lie at the heart of digital scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, and are supported by software tools which are vital to research, teaching and learning. These software tools represent prime examples of the ways in which language technologies can support research across a range of disciplines. One of the difficulties for users of these tools is the sheer range and variety of them. A recent CLARIN project has attempted to address this problem by gathering information and publishing a Resource Family to provide users, both expert and novice, with a free online guide to the discovery and use of these vital tools. This café provided tips on how to find, select and use tools, and allowed for a lively discussion on the findings so far.

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Webinar: Developing New EOSC-Core Components for a FAIRer Open Science Ecosystem

The Horizon Europe project FAIRCORE4EOSC is going to work with domain-specific case studies and the wider Open Science community to develop and realise nine new components for the European Open Science Cloud ( ), which will improve the discoverability and interoperability of research outputs, thereby contributing to the long-term vision of a web of FAIR Data. 

This first official webinar was held on 14 October, provided insights into the project’s objective and hosted a panel with experts from different actors of the Open Science landscape, including CLARIN ’s Maria Eskevich, to discuss the potential impact and the key challenges ahead.

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Training and Education

UPSKILLS Event: Best Practices and Guidelines for Research-Based Teaching

4 November 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands (hybrid event)

This one-day event focuses on best practices and guidelines for incorporating research and research infrastructures into teaching, as the demand for research skills in language-related domains is constantly growing. The event will also address the relationship between research and industry, show how typical problems encountered in industry workflows can be integrated into students’ assignments, and demonstrate how the learning content produced in the UPSKILLS project can be reused into university curricula. The event is aimed at university teachers, lecturers and curriculum designers, especially those from the areas of languages and linguistics. 

Registration deadline: 1 November 2022

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Teaching with CLARIN 2022

First awarded in 2021, the Teaching with CLARIN Award recognises lecturers and educational professionals who have successfully integrated CLARIN into the courses they teach and/or training materials they have developed.

This year, three winners were selected, who presented their teaching initiatives during the CLARIN Annual Conference 2022 in Prague: Ajda Pretnar Žagar, Kristina Pahor de Maiti and Darja Fišer from the University of Ljubljana (SI), Jurgita Vaičenonienė from Vytautas Magnus University (LT), and Rachele Sprugnoli from the University of Parma (IT). All materials and more information can be found on the Teaching with CLARIN section on the website.

If you would like to showcase your teaching and training materials next year at CLARIN2023, the Teaching with CLARIN call is open for new submissions!

MPhil in Digital Humanities at the University of Cambridge

This master’s programme taught at the University of Cambridge is suitable for everyone with a humanities or technical background. It investigates ways in which the humanities can engage with digitally enabled research approaches, considers the impact of digital innovations on cultural forms and practices, and explores digital futures. There are two online information sessions, on 31 October and 2 November (sign up here).

Application deadline: 6 January 2023

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Watch This!

Introducing CLARIN: Video Out Now! Broaden your perspective. Discover CLARIN today.


Events and Calls

CLARIN Café: Text and Data Mining Exceptions A Year After – Has The Pony Become A Horse?

8 November 2022 (virtual event)

The language research community has been asking for copyright exceptions for Text and Data Mining (TDM) for many years. In 2019, the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market introduced two such exceptions: one designed specifically for scientific research purposes, and one for the general public. They were to be implemented by the member states by mid-2021, and although some countries implemented them later than others, it can be said that many European researchers have already had a chance to discover if the new exceptions correspond to their needs and, indeed, make their work easier. During this CLARIN Café, legal experts and researchers from CLARIN countries will share their experience with the TDM exceptions.

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EOSC Symposium

14-17 November 2022, Prague, Czechia 

The EOSC Symposium is the main annual event of the European Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative, and this year takes place in Prague as part of the calendar of events of the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU. More than 500 stakeholders from ministries, policy makers, research organisations, service providers, research infrastructures and research communities across Europe and beyond are expected to attend the symposium to reflect on the EOSC’s key achievements and strategic challenges, and to identify priorities and concrete actions at the European, national, and institutional level to speed up EOSC implementation.

Registration deadline: 2 November 2022

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CLARIAH & NDE Annual Conference

24 November 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands 

This conference, organised by CLARIAH in close collaboration with the Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE), is on the topic of Heritage meets Digital Humanities. The focus will be on the CLARIAH digital humanities infrastructure and its use by researchers and other professionals from the heritage field. Attendees can look forward to a programme of lectures, debates, interactive presentations, workshops, poster sessions and networking opportunities. The conference can accommodate up to 150 participants and registration is free.

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Invitation to Join SIGHUM 

The SIGHUM group (ACL Special Interest Group on Language Technologies for the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities) was constituted in 2012 as one of the ACL special interest groups. SIGHUM groups together researchers interested in computational linguistics applications in all aspects of digital humanities and provides a forum for communication between ACL researchers and other digital humanities communities and organisations.

If you are passionate about digital humanities, computational humanities and related fields and want to stay informed about opportunities to contribute to the group, activities, calls for papers, job opportunities etc. within the community, please join the group here. Early-career researchers and PhD students are particularly encouraged to join.

After this new round of subscriptions, at the end of October and in early November, members will have an opportunity to shape the group’s strategy via a survey.

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