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CLARIN Annual Conference 2022 Summary

CLARIN2022 was organised for the wider humanities and social sciences communities in order to exchange ideas and experiences with the CLARIN infrastructure. This year, the CLARIN Annual Conference was a hybrid event and took place in Prague (Czechia) and online. 

The hybrid format was a big success. Live and on several screens, more than 300 registered participants were able to follow the quality content and learn what CLARIN is about.

A group photo of the in-person attendees of CLARIN2022.

Day 1

On Monday 10 October 2022, the conference opened with a welcome message by Franciska de Jong (Executive Director CLARIN), Tomaž Erjavec (Programme Committee Chair) and Eva Hajičová (Local National Coordinator).

The opening session was followed by the 8th edition of the Steven Krauwer Awards, presented by Maciej Piasecki (National Coordinator CLARIN-PL and Chair). The 2021 Steven Krauwer Award for Early Career Researcher went to Roberts Darģis (CLARIN-LV). This year, two CLARIN Achievements Awards were handed out: to Jörg Tiedemann and the Helsinki MT group, as well as the Charles University’s u4u team led by Martin Popel.

The Steven Krauwer Award winners (left to right): Jörg Tiedemann, the u4u team members, and Roberts Darģis.

The conference continued with the first keynote of CLARIN2022. Peter Leinen, technical director of the German National Library, presented Enabling Digital Research - The German National Library as Part of a (National) Research Infrastructure.

Peter Leinen giving his keynote presentation.

Afterwards, Martin Wynne chaired the panel on CLARIN and Libraries: Infrastructures Working Together, where Sally Chambers, Andreas Witt and Peter Leinen discussed issues relating to the delivery of digital content for researchers, and to plan the practical steps for future collaboration.

The conference continued with a paper presentation session on the topics of Language Resources and CLARIN centres, chaired by Lars Borin. The first day concluded with a session dedicated to the SSHOC project; in SSH Open Cluster: Life After SSHOC, Francesca Frontini (chairing  the session), Laure Barbot and Carsten Thiel discussed the project’s lasting impact on the collaboration between research infrastructures from the SSH domain.

Day 2

Day 2 started with presentations by the programme committee chair, the local national consortium, and the CLARIN committees. Afterwards, Dieter Van Uytvanck, CLARIN Technical Director, presented the state of the technical infrastructure. 

Concluding the morning, a two-part paper presentation session on the topic of Tools and Workflows took place, chaired by Stelios Piperidis and Starkaður Barkarson. 

The afternoon of Day 2 was started off by CLARIN’s executive director Franciska de Jong giving insides into the current State of the Infrastructure. This was followed by the second keynote of the conference, chaired by the programme committee chair Tomaž Erjavec, in which Barbara Plank (LMU Munich) discussed the question Is Human Label Variation Really so Bad for AI? Monica Monachini went on to chair the paper presentation session on Legal Questions. 

Barbara Plank presenting her keynote.

The Teaching with CLARIN session followed, chaired by Francesca Frontini and Iulianna van der Lek, with presentations by Michal Gawor and the Teaching with CLARIN award winners. This year, the Teaching with CLARIN Award was given to Ajda Pretnar Žagar, Kristina Pahor de Maiti, Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana), Jurgita Vaičenonienė (Vytautas Magnus University) and Rachele Sprugnoli (University of Parma) for successfully integrating CLARIN tools and resources into their courses.

CLARIN Teaching Award winners (left to right): Jurgita VaičenonienėRachele Sprugnoli and Darja Fišer accepting the award for Ajda Pretnar Žagar
The PhD student session chaired by Darja Fišer followed. Day 2 ended with the CLARIN2022 Bazaar session, which offered an opportunity for all in-person attendees to exchange thoughts and present work-in-progress.
An impression of the CLARIN2022 Bazaar session.

Day 3

The last day of the conference started with a paper presentation session chaired by Koenraad De Smedt, on Curation of Language Resources. 

A panel session with representatives of several portals and chaired by Jan Hajič followed. In CLARIN and Other SSH Platforms: You’ll Never Innovate Alone, Dieter Van Uytvanck, Alba Irollo, Simon Krek, Emilie Blotière and Sona Arasthe, and Matej Ďurčo explained how they see their role in the SSH landscape and discussed the interoperability and complementarity of the different platforms.

The last keynote of CLARIN2022 was chaired by Costanza Navarretta. Ariane Nabeth-Halber (ViaDialog) presented 100 Years of Speech Recognition, the Data Fork and the Conversational Challenge. Stories from Today’s Speech Industry.

Ariane Nabeth-Halber presenting her keynote.

The conference concluded with a paper presentation session chaired by Krister Lindén on Research Cases.

Slides, Recordings, Pictures, Proceedings

For more detailed information about the event, visit the CLARIN2022 Annual Conference page, where you can find links to the programme with abstracts, slides, full papers and more.

To follow up on CLARIN2022 activity on Twitter, see our 'Twitter Moment' here.

Accepted papers were published in the CLARIN2022 Proceedings. Selected full papers will be published in a digital conference proceedings volume at Linköping University Electronic Press within about six months of the end of the conference. Once available, a direct link to the publication will be added to the conference page.

More information about previous CLARIN annual conferences can be found here.