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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

CLARIN Newsflash June 2021


CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 - Registration Open for ‘Additional’ Programme Elements

27-29 September 2021

The registration for attendance of this virtual edition of the CLARIN Annual Conference will open after 15 August 2021.

For the following additional programme elements registration is already open:

Selected Papers from CLARIN2020 Published Online

The selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020 have been (digitally) published by Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköping University. The conference proceedings in this volume represent an overview of the most important topics discussed during the conference.

View the Selected Papers

Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona - deadline extension for submissions 

CLARIN has launched a special call for submissions for "Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona". This call aims to acknowledge and showcase the efforts made by teachers, lecturers and trainers throughout the CLARIN network to meet the education needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

CLARIN calls for submissions of recently developed training materials in any disciplines or topics relevant for CLARIN, provided one or more CLARIN resources were used in the course and referred to in the syllabus.

All relevant submissions will be showcased on the CLARIN website, for the purpose of sharing best practices and examples suitable for reuse. In addition, three submissions will be selected for the Teaching CLARIN award, and will receive the sum of 350 euros each. The award ceremony will be hosted during the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021.

The deadline for submissions is extended to 30 June 2021

Read the full call

CLARIN Café - ParlaMint Unleashed - Registration is Now Open

28 June 2021 from 14:00 to 16:00 (CEST) 

The ParlaMint project, supported by the CLARIN Resource Families Project Funding, was completed on 31 May, resulting in creation of the set of multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates from 16 countries.

At this café Tomaž Erjavec, Darja Fišer, Maciej Ogrodniczuk, and Petya Osenova, will present the results, lessons learnt and showcases of the project.

You are welcome to join the discussion! 

Learn more about the Café and register


Tour de CLARIN: CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Systems and Frameworks for Morphologically Rich Languages (SAFMORIL)

In the first weeks of June, Tour de CLARIN presented SAFMORIL, a distributed virtual Knowledge centre, involving the Finnish, Norwegian, Latvian, and Lithuanian CLARIN consortia. 

The K-centre brings together linguists as well as researchers and developers in the area of computational morphology and its application during language processing.

The accompanying interview was held with Dr Jack Rueter, a computational linguist and digital humanist whose work primarily focuses on finite-state descriptions of highly endangered languages with complex morphological systems.

Read more about Tour de CLARIN

CLARIN Resource Families: Lexica

The CLARIN Resource Families initiative provides a user-friendly overview of the available language resources in the CLARIN infrastructure for researchers from digital humanities, social sciences and human language technologies. 

This month CLARIN highlights lexica. Lexica are primarily used in applications. They typically contain an extensive lexical inventory with specific linguistic information (e.g., morphosyntax, sentiment). 

There are 80 lexica in the CLARIN infrastructure. Most (65) of the lexica are monolingual, accounting for 17 languages. The rest (15) are multilingual and include a variety of language combinations. In the vast majority of cases, the lexica can be directly downloaded from the national repositories or queried through easy-to-use online search environments.

See the overview 




Lativian Language Resources and Tools for Teaching Conference
2 June 2021, Virtual Event

CLARIN-LV and the State Research Programme project “Digital Resources for Humanities: Integration and Development” organised the conference “Latvian language resources and tools for teaching”.  

Participants of the conference were introduced to the recent achievements and the latest developments on language resources and tools both in Europe and in Latvia.

Francesca Frontini, member of the CLARIN board of directors, gave a keynote on the CLARIN teaching opportunities and challenges during Corona. Conference participants were also introduced to the European Language Equality (ELE) and the European Language Grid (ELG) projects. The conference programme included a presentation from the Latvia Ministry of the Education and Science on Digital Humanities and Open Science, the presentation of different Latvian language resources and tools and a presentation from the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University on how to train new specialists in the field of Digital Humanities. 

More than 160 participants registered for the conference, which was attended not only by representatives from Latvian universities, research institutions and libraries, but also by many teachers working in Latvia and abroad. 

Check the conference materials (LV, EN)



CLARIN Café on One Infrastructure for Many Languages devoted to CLARIN as a multilingual infrastructure

Read the blogpost about the CLARIN Café One Infrastructure for Many Languages that took place on 31 May 2021.This Café was organised by CLARIN directors Andreas Witt and Francesca Frontini, and was dedicated to a central aspect of the CLARIN infrastructure: multilinguality. With resources in over 1500 languages, the CLARIN infrastructure  supports multilinguality in all of its aspects, and serves a multilingual Europe. 

Next to this, the  café was an opportunity to reflect on what CLARIN has achieved in this respect, as well as to exchange experiences with two relevant initiatives, namely the European Language Equality Project (ELE) and the European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL)

Read the blogpost


The CLARIN and SSHOC Vocabulary Initiative 

Given the breadth of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) sector, it is of no surprise that researchers are faced not only with a multitude of theoretical and empirical approaches to research but also with a large pool of vocabularies and vocabulary service tools and platforms that are intended to help researchers in their endeavours. This high diversification can extensively hinder their positive impact on data aggregation, discovery and access.

To address this issue CLARIN and SSHOC are investigating ways to collect, register and harmonise domain-specific controlled vocabularies, thesauri and taxonomies, and options for a suitable platform to manage them. 

Read the blogpost



CLARIN2020: Data Curation Archives and Libraries

Watch the moderator-led papers session on "Data Curation Archives and Libraries''​ chaired by Maria Gavriilidou and Bente Maegaard. This session took place on 6 October 2020 during the first virtual conference day of CLARIN2020. For more detailed information visit the CLARIN2020 programme page and Book of Abstracts




Registration is open for the first UPSKILLS multiplier event

Friday 25 June 2021, from 10:00 to 16:00 CEST.

Registration is open for the first UPSKILLS multiplier event, entitled: "Every time I hire a linguist… Emergent tech profiles for linguists, translators and language experts”.

This one-day event brings together students, academics, industry and institutional representatives, to present and discuss the first results of the UPSKILLS project and provide opportunities for networking. After a vision statement by a representative of the European Commission’s DGT, we will present a needs analysis in which we surveyed the academic literature on the subject, courses offered by language and linguistics curricula across Europe, and job positions.  

Read more and register


Registration open for the SSHOC Workshop at ICTeSSH Conference: Vocabulary Initiative - What users want 

28 June 2021, from 9:00 to 10:30, Virtual event

In SSHOC, a specific Vocabulary Initiative was launched last year to coordinate related vocabulary activities and investigate, inform and exchange expertise on vocabularies and the platforms that are hosting and managing them. During this workshop the following topics will be presented: 

  • Vocabularies and their use in the SSH community;
  • Managing Vocabularies; 
  • Vocabularies as FAIR semantic artefacts;
  • Using Vocabularies in different SSH tools;
  • Finding vocabularies via the SSH Open Marketplace.

Read more and register


CLARIN and Libraries: Interoperability of Text Platforms for Digital Libraries - Save the Date

15 October 2021, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 CET, Virtual event

A number of platforms are emerging or in the planning stage for accessing texts in digital libraries, including major CLARIN-related initiatives such as Nederlab and Text+. 

This workshop will examine the possibilities for promoting interoperability between these platforms, and encouraging the uptake by future initiatives of existing solutions and interoperable services. This initial workshop aims to bring together a community of interested parties, and to set the agenda for future ongoing collaboration. 

Preliminary event description


Release of the Swedish Learner Language infrastructure (SweLL)
26-27 August 2021, Virtual event 

The Swedish Learner Language infrastructure (SweLL) will be released on 26-27 August with a series of online talks and a possibility to get access to the corpus and a short tutorial on exploring the data.

The SweLL corpus is a newly compiled and manually annotated corpus of essays written by adult learners of Swedish as a second language. Essays have been manually pseudonymized,  normalized, and correction annotated. Various tools have been developed to support the process of annotation, annotation management and search, notably a possibility to explore original and corrected data in a parallel fashion. 

Read more and register


Call for papers for  LREC 2022 - 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation

20-25 June 2022, Marseille, France

The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is glad to announce the 13th edition of LREC, organised with the support of national and international organisations. The scientific programme will include invited talks, oral presentations, poster and demo presentations, and panels, in addition to a keynote address by the winner of the Antonio Zampolli Prize. 

A  call for an Industrial Track will be issued separately.

LREC is the major event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Human Language Technologies (HLT). ELRA hopes to be able to organise a face-to-face event but, if physical gatherings will not be yet allowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a virtual alternative will be set up.

Read more


Community Evaluation Effort for MultiLingual Information Access (MLIA) on Covid-19 - Second round has started

Covid-19 MLIA @ Eval organizes a community evaluation effort aimed at accelerating the creation and development of resources and tools for improved MultiLingual Information Access (MLIA) in the current emergency situation with a reference to a general public. The registration for the second evaluation round is now open. Read more

  • 21 June 2021- Data release 
  • 15 September - 15 October 2021 - Submission of runs
  • 30 November - 2 December 2021 - Round II Wrap-up Virtual Meeting (exact date TBD)

