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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

Overview of CLARIN2021 Calls

This page is an overview of the calls for CLARIN Annual Conference 2021

CLARIN Bazaar (closed)

The CLARIN Bazaar is an informal space at the CLARIN Annual Conference where you can meet people from other centres and countries, find out about their work in progress, exchange ideas, and talk to people about future collaborations. The deadline for application is 20 SeptemberLearn more and express your interest in participation.

Call for Abstracts for the PhD Students Special Session (closed)

After last year's success, the 2021 edition will again feature a PhD Students Session. The aim of the session is to enable PhD students to share the next generation of research that is supported by or contributing to the CLARIN infrastructure, and receive feedback on their work from CLARIN experts.

Call for Nominations: Steven Krauwer Awards 2021 (closed)

The call for the Steven Krauwer Awards is closed.

These awards are given annually to outstanding scientists or engineers in recognition of outstanding contributions toward CLARIN goals in the areas of language resource building, tool or service development, exemplary use cases, user involvement or knowledge sharing. The award ceremony takes place at the conference.

Read the full call

Call for Submissions 'Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona' (closed)

The special call for submissions for  'Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona' is open. This call aims to acknowledge and showcase the efforts made by teachers, lecturers and trainers throughout the CLARIN network to meet the education needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

CLARIN calls for submissions of recently developed training materials in any disciplines or topics relevant for CLARIN, provided one or more CLARIN resources were used in the course and referred to in the syllabus.

All relevant submissions will be showcased on the CLARIN website, for the purpose of sharing best practices and examples suitable for reuse. The CLARIN in the Classroom session will showcase all the proposals for the Teaching CLARIN Award.

In addition, three submissions will be selected for the Teaching CLARIN Award, and will receive the sum of 350 euros each. The award ceremony will be hosted during the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021.

The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2021.

Read the full call

CLARIN Consultation Session (closed)

The CLARIN Consultation Session, which is open to all conference participants, is an informal opportunity for early career researchers to discuss their work with CLARIN experts one-on-one or in small groups. The deadline for application is 13 SeptemberLearn more and express your interest in participation.