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CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual Event)

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CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 Goes Virtual

The 2021 CLARIN Annual Conference will be organised as an online event. Based on the experience and feedback for the 2020 event, as well as our growing expertise at hosting online events, this conference promises to be an attractive virtual event with optimal interaction opportunities. We look forward to welcoming all the participants and turning this event into a success. Detailed information about the programme elements is available below.

Due to the virtual format we can accommodate a large number of visitors. #CLARIN2021 welcomes both the attendants of previous years and all newbies who would like to know more about CLARIN.

About the CLARIN Annual Conference

The CLARIN Annual Conference is the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities of use in the humanities and social sciences. 

CLARIN assures all the authors of accepted contributions that they will be provided with a possibility to present their work in the virtual context. 

CLARIN2021 is organised for the wider Humanities and Social Sciences communities in order to exchange ideas and experiences within the CLARIN infrastructure. This includes the design, construction and operation of the CLARIN infrastructure, the data, tools and services that it contains or for which there is a need, its actual use by researchers, its relation to other infrastructures and projects, and the CLARIN Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure.

We are looking forward to welcoming all authors of accepted papers, members of national consortia and representatives of CLARIN centres, representatives from partner organisations, and anybody else who is interested in becoming part of the CLARIN community.

You can find the most up-to-date details on this page. Updates will also be communicated via the news section on the CLARIN website, the CLARIN Newsflash and Twitter


The registration is closed.  

Programme and Keynote Speakers

The innovative #CLARIN2021 programme includes:

  • Plenary sessions dedicated to the presentations of peer-reviewed abstracts. These will be organised in the following way:
    • Each group of authors will have five minutes to present their work in the plenary format
    • The discussions for the presented topics will take place both in plenary mode as well as in breakout rooms, where the authors will be grouped by overarching topic 
  • Additional materials to accompany the abstracts, such as slides, posters and pre-recorded pitches. These will be available on the website prior to the conference
  • Three keynotes by invited speakers, both from academia and industry, who will address topics in digital humanities, AI and computational social sciences.
  • A special session devoted to work by PhD students whose research is connected to CLARIN
  • A dedicated session for lecturers who responded to the call Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona
    • An Award will be handed out at the end of the session 
    • The submitted training materials will be available on the CLARIN website soon 
  • All three days will feature a social coffee break with the possibility of networking, each day with a different discussion topic.

Panel CLARIN2021

The Role of Corpora for the Study of Language Use and Mental Health Conditions 

Moderator: Henk van den Heuvel

Panellists: Gloria Gagliardi, Stefan Goetze, Saturnino Luz, Khiet Truong


The Conference Proceedings with the full abstracts are downloadable as PDF. Short abstracts can be accessed via the conference programme pageFull call for abstracts (now closed)


More information about previous CLARIN Annual Conferences can be found here