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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 



The organisers of the second ParlaCLARIN workshop on creating, using and linking parliamentary corpora with other types of political discourse share their experience with the successful virtual edition of this LREC2020 workshop that was originally envisaged to take place in Marseille. 



Experts on tools for working with historical documents met in Berlin in September for a CLARIN workshop to exchange ideas, experiences about tools and methods.


The CLARIN-PLUS Workshop “Creation and Use of Social Media Resources“, hosted by CLARIN-LT in early June was the fourth and final workshop in a series of user-involvement workshops within the CLARIN-PLUS project.


On Friday July 5, 2013, I visited the workshop Research Infrastructures towards 2020 organized by the EuroRisNet+ project at the Scientific and Cultural Centre of Macau in Lisbon, Portugal.

OpenSKOS general architecture

On May 17th interested representatives from several European institutions met in Utrecht to discuss the potential of OpenSKOS for European collaboration concerning vocabularies for the linguistic domain.