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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 



The Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure Committee of CLARIN organized a workshop on the experience of representatives from national consortia with the integration of CLARIN content into university programs. 


Blog post about the CLARIN seminars on legal issues that were organised to enhance competencies relating to legal aspects of language research and strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation within CLARIN.


Experts on tools for working with historical documents met in Berlin in September for a CLARIN workshop to exchange ideas, experiences about tools and methods.


Read the blog post about the Second Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities written by Anda Baklāne (National Library of Latvia, Head of Digital Research Services) who at times, asks herself whether it is fair to compare digital research to cooking.


The CLARIN Mobility Grant made it possible for Ondřej Košarko (LINDAT/CLARIN) to help with setting up a CLARIN DSpace repository at the Oxford Text Archive (OTA) and to provide hands-on experience managing and customizing the installation. 

Digital Humanities – The Perspective of Africa workshop

Guest blog post by DEMBA Kandeh that chronicles and reflects on a five-day workshop: “Digital Humanities – the perspective of Africa”, recently organized at the Lorentz Centre in Leiden.


On 23 and 24 May the CLARIN ParlaFormat workshop was held in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. This workshop was organized by the CLARIN Interoperability Committee.


On 9 May, Inguna Skadiņa, the national coordinator of CLARIN Latvia organized a hands-on workshop on how to search in the Latvian Treebank


Blog post by Tanja Wissik who used a CLARIN Mobility Grant to visit the Jožef Stefan Institute and learn more about encoding parliamentary data in TEI.


Read about the workshop "Twin Talks: Understanding Collaboration in DH" that took place during the 4th Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries Conference