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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 



Sidsel Boldsen is a PhD Student in Natural Language Processing ( ) and digital humanities, with a special interest in historical languages and linguistic knowledge representation. She has successfully collaborated wIth the Danish CLARIN K-Centre DANSK.


Take a tour around the Danish Knowledge Centre DANSK.


The collection Grundtvig’s Works are published by the Grundtvig Center at the University of Aarhus and will contain 1000 text critical and commented editions of the printed authorship by N.F.S. Grundtvig when finalized in 2030. Since the Grundtvig Center itself does not offer the possibility for downloading the underlying files, CLARIN-DK was approached as a repository provider.


Lemmatizers generalize over the different forms of a word used in free text and provide its lemma, which is the base or dictionary look-up form. The CST lemmatizer learns lemmatization rules not only from word endings, and recognizes a wide variety of derivational patterns; e.g., prefixation, infixation, suffixation.


On 21 November 2018, CLARIN-DK experts organized an interactive workshop where they presented the use of Voyant Tools to lecturers and researchers at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen.


Denmark has been a member of CLARIN since February 2012 and is one of its founding members.