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Tour de CLARIN: Denmark

Submitted by Jakob Lenardič on

Blog post written by Costanza Navarreta, and edited by Darja Fišer and Jakob Lenardič

Denmark has been a member of CLARIN ERIC since February 2012 and is one of its founding members. The Danish infrastructure CLARIN-DK was funded through two projects, the DK-CLARIN (2008-2010), and the DIGHUMLAB project (2011-2017). Since 2018, CLARIN-DK has been funded by the Faculty of Humanities and the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen. The Danish national coordinator is Costanza Navarretta and the leading institution is the Centre for Language Technology, which is part of the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics.

CLARIN-DK involves the following institutions:

CLARIN-DK is a stable national research infrastructure where researchers can deposit, share and download language resources such as domain-specific corpora (e.g., The Danish Parliament Corpus 2009 – 2017 and the Johannes V. Jensen Corpus, which is a literary corpus collecting the works of the famous modernist poet Johannes Jensen from the early 20th century), as well as lexicons, word lists, speech transcriptions, and audio/video files in a secure way. CLARIN-DK also offers on-line language technology tools comprising e.g. a tokeniser, PoS tagger, a lemmatiser for Danish and English, a named entity recogniser for Danish, a keyword extractor, a TEI-to-text converter and a pipeline to linguistic annotation. Tools for performing basic frequency counts of words in textual data are also included as well as visualisation and corpus linguistics tools developed by other research groups, such as Korp and Voyant. Aside from being a certified B Centre, CLARIN-DK also runs a Knowledge Centre called DANSK, which provides expertise and help with using the language resources and technologies offered by the Danish consortium together withThe Danish Language Council.

CLARIN-DK is involved in various Danish research projects and networks. For example, it is part of the Danish collaboration initiative DIGHUMLAB that involves various research communities, such as NetLAB, which is aimed at the cross-disciplinary study of internet materials, and, which is an online platform used for automatically locating missing metadata of broadcast radio programmes. CLARIN-DK is also partner in an external funded research project Infrastrukturalisme with PI Henrik Jørgensen, Aarhus University. The consortium is also involved in a research network, Multimodal Child Language Acquisition, with the University of Hong Kong and The Chinese Hong Kong University, (PI Costanza Navarretta), and contributes tools and guidance in a number of research activities comprising the linguistic annotation of medieval documents and encoding of literary corpora, mainly at the University of Copenhagen. CLARIN-DK is also involved in research data management and the promotion of FAIR data in the Humanities.

The CLARIN-DK team participates in the following CLARIN  committees: Standing Committee for CLARIN Technical Centres  (Lene Offersgaard, Bart Jongejan), Legal and Ethical Issues Committee: Sussi Olsen, Assessment Committee (Lene Offersgaard as Chair).


The Clarin-DK group at the University of Copenhagen: Mitchell John Seaton, Costanza Navarretta, Dorte Haltrup Hansen, Bart Jongejan, Sussi Olsen and Lene Offersgaard.

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