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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 



The SAFMORIL K-centre brings together linguists as well as researchers and developers in the area of computational morphology and its application during language processing.


Yvonne van Baal is a PhD student in linguistics who has has successfully used resources and tools developed at the CLARINO Text Laboratory


Over the past few years, the CLARINO Bergen Centre has made significant efforts to engage and train potential users of the CLARINO and the wider CLARIN infrastructure in the context of higher education. 


The Nordic Dialect Corpus (NDC) is a speech corpus available at the CLARINO Text Laboratory Centre. It consists of spontaneous speech data from dialects of the North Germanic languages across all Nordic countries.


The Glossa search system is an advanced, user-friendly interface for searching in written text and transcripts of audio or video.


CLARINO is the common infrastructure for language databases in Norway, having an impact primarily on the Language Sciences, but also enabling substantial research potential in other SSH disciplines, as well as in industrial research and development, for instance through multilingual technologies.


In this Tour de CLARIN blog post, we present an in-depth interview with Helge Dyvik, who is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Bergen in Norway.


Learn more about the virtual CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Treebanking that is operated by the CLARINO Bergen Centre at the University of Bergen in Norway and LINDAT/CLARIN at the Charles University in Prague in the Czech Republic.