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Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash: February 2018 here

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In this issue: Centre assessments, Various roadmaps and work plans, Maintenance, Hackathon reminder


Find out more about Text2Picto and Picto2Text – software for translating between words and pictographs


The Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities - A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs and Språkbanken, The Swedish language bank have been awarded the B-centre status. Congratulations!


The Slovenian Language Technologies Society (SDJT), the Centre for Language Resources and Technologies at the University of Ljubljana (CJVT) and the research infrastructures CLARIN.SI and DARIAH-SI organise the conference “Language Technologies and Digital Humanities” on 20-21 September 2018.


Find out more about CLARIN DLU/Flanders, a founding member of CLARIN that represents Flanders, the Dutch speaking part of Belgium.


With this Special Issue of the CLARIN Newsflash we would like to highlight two important news items from the upcoming February Newsflash, that require urgent attention due to their deadlines.


A metadata curation meeting, attended by 14 representatives of various CLARIN-affiliated institutions, was held with the aim to establish a value normalisation scheme for selected facets in the VLO on the basis of an agreed-upon controlled vocabulary, as well as to perform hands-on work on normalisation. Read more in this blog post by Jakob Lenardič.


We’re looking to hire an experienced Financial Assistant (0.6 – 1.0 FTE) who feels at home in an (international) scientific environment and is able to support the Financial Officer in managing financial-related tasks for CLARIN .


On 30 January 2018, Science Europe and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) co-hosted a workshop in Brussels to discuss how to manage research data in an era of Open Science. The initiative was also presented and discussed at this workshop, which gathered over a hundred interested participants from the EU institutions, research organisations, and data expert groups, including CLARIN Executive Director Fransicka de Jong.