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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 



Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash: April 2018 here


Blog post on the CLARIN sysops team visiting the Eurac Research centre to exchange knowledge on GitLab CI, Kubernetes, Docker best practices and Docker build and deploy workflows.


Tour de CLARIN highlights prominent User Involvement (UI) activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium. This time the focus is on the DLU and Cora Pots, a PhD student in the Quantity and quality in linguistics project at the University of Leuven. The following interview took place via Skype and was conducted and transcribed by Jakob Lenardič.


Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash: March 2018 here


Blog post written by Vesna Lušicky (Centre for Translation studies, Universität Wien) and Tanja Wissik (ACDH - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities).


We are happy to announce that the CLARIN Knowledge Centre for linguistic diversity and language documentation (CKLD) has been officially recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre.


The INT CLARIN Centre (DLU/Flanders) presents the Corpus of Contemporary Dutch.


We are very pleased to announce that on 1 March 2018 Croatia officially became a member of CLARIN , bringing the total number of full members up to twenty.


This year's European Summer University in Digital Humanities: "Culture & Technology" will take place on 17-27 July 2018 at the University of Leipzig. 


Learn more about the first of a number of workshops that the INT CLARIN Centre plans to give in Flanders.