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Frédérique Segond


Frédérique SEGOND, is Director of the Defense Security Mission at Inria and associated researcher with the ERTIM team at the Institut National des Langues et cultures Orientales. Previously, she was Director of R&D and Intelligence products at Bertin IT and Director of Partnerships and Innovation at Grenoble Alpes University. In 2011, she joined VISEO to create and manage the company's Research Center. Frédérique worked for 18 years at the Xerox European Research Center in Grenoble where she was Principal Scientist and managed the Natural Language Processing research group She has also spent 3 year as resercher at the IBM France scientific center, and one year at the IBM Watson research center in Yorktown. She was a lecturer at Telecom Paris Sud.

Frédérique is co-author of six books, more than 80 scientific articles and 5 patents. She was president of the Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA). She was also president of the evaluation committee of the CONTINT program at the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), member of the steering committee, and member of the Board of Directors of ELRA (European Language Resources Association), member of the Communauté d'Universités et Etablissements (COMUE) de Grenoble Alpes. Today she is an expert for the CAP Digital competitiveness cluster and also provides her expertise to various national ,european and international entities. She is a member of numerous program committees, has coordinated 6 european and national research projects and participated in more than 30. She also provides expertise to various national and international entities. Frédérique created ScientiMix, an association for the promotion of gender diversity in Science and Technology, of which she is the President.