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Isuri Anuradha

Isuri Anuradha
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
i.nanomiarachchige [at]
Isuri is a final year PhD candidate with expertise in Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning at Lancaster University, where she is affiliated with the UCREL research group, School of Computing and Communications. She mainly focuses on Holocaust Testimony data and tries to provide digital infrastructure with cutting-edge technologies such as deep learning and large language models. She has been nominated for the Conny Kristel Fellowship for 2024 at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. 
Isuri collaborated with EHRI and CLARIN to co-organise the ‘ Holocaust Testimonies as Language Resource’ workshop at LREC-COLING 2024. She also presented her work at the previous EHRI-CLARIN workshop, Making Holocaust Oral Testimonies More Usable as Research Data, which took place at King’s College, UK, in 2023.
Key skills
large language models