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Federico Boschetti

Federico Boschetti
Classical Philology
Digital Humanities
federico.boschetti [at]
Federico Boschetti has a PhD in Classical Philology (University of Trento-University of Lille III, 2005) and Brain and Cognitive Sciences: Language, Interaction and Computation (University of Trento, 2010). Since 2011, he has been a researcher at the CNR-Institute of Computational Linguistics "A. Zampolli", where he coordinates the CoPhiLab and teaches courses on Digital Humanities at various levels (university and high school students and teachers). Since 2019, he has been assigned to the CNR-ILC research unit at the VeDPH of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He has been co-responsible with Franz Fischer (VeDPH) of the “Digital and Public Humanities Textual Scholarship” CLARIN Knowledge Centre (DiPText-KC) since 13 October 2021, and he collaborates for CLARIN-IT to H2IOSC, the Italian consortium of research infrastructure devoted to the Humanities. His main research interests are in collaborative and cooperative philology.
Past DiPText-KC events: