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The interdisciplinary summer school for PhD candidates and younger researchers ‘The Collaborative Software Development School’ took place from 19-30 June, 2023, at the University of Bergen.


From 24 to 26 May 2023, the Arezzo campus of the University of Siena hosted the 23rd International Congress of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AItLA 2023). The topic of the conference was ‘Contexts, Practices and Resources of Multimodal Communication’.


Every month, CLARIN publishes a newsflash with an overview of what has been happening at CLARIN, the national consortia, etc. Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash: June 2023 here Subscribing to it is the ideal way of staying informed. Subscribe here Past issues of the CLARIN newsflash You are


Written by Jurgita Vaičenonienė and Anna Kryvenko Online Seminar ‘Scientific Data about Society in Ukraine’ On 22 May, CLARIN representatives were invited to give a presentation in the online seminar ‘Scientific Data about Society in Ukraine: Ukraine in European Research Infrastructures in the


Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash


At a time when Poland is grappling with a conservative push and growing polarisation among its population, political scientists Agata Włodkowska and Joanna Gajda reconstructed and analysed how the notions of sex and gender featured in the 2015 and 2020 Polish presidential election campaigns. Using


As of September 2023, the CLARIN European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CLARIN ) will have an opening for the position of member of the Board of Directors (0.2 fte) who will work closely together with the other directors. The appointment will be for a term of two years, with the possibility of prolongation for another term of two years.


SSHOC Continues to Build Stronger European SSH Community: Highlights from the 1st SSH Open Cluster Assembly The SSH Research Infrastructures organised a Cluster Assembly on April 24th, 2023, which marked an important milestone since the SSHOC project ended. The event attracted 70 participants from


Written by Martin Wynne, Lancaster University, recipient of the CLARIN Resource Families Project Funding initiative. The CLARIN Resource Families (CRF) provide user-friendly overviews of available language resources in the CLARIN infrastructure for researchers from the digital humanities, social


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The release of ChatGPT, Bing Chat and, more recently, GPT-4, has turned the spotlight on language models and generative chatbots. The interest in AI-generated language data and human-machine interaction is significant, underpinned by extensive coverage in the media. However, many of the discussions


CLARIN is very sad to announce the passing of Christopher Cieri in March 2023 at the age of 59. Chris, based in Philadelphia, PA, USA, was a long-term Executive Director of the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC), leading it for 25 years. Chris saw the LDC evolve to a prominent global provider of


Submission deadline extended

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In this issue: Reminder: deadline Centre Assessment Round approaching, Centre Meeting on 13 and 14 June, Federated Content Search updates, New software deployments, Scheduled Maintenance


CLARIN has signed an agreement with ​​CoARA


Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash

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In this issue: Curation Dashboard beta version, Save the date: Centre Meeting on 13 and 14 June, Korp Interest Group, Scheduled Maintenance


Read the most recent issue of the CLARIN newsflash


This project examines different aspects of power in three European parliaments, with a particular focus on gender distribution in the debates


The Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals (BAS) and the CLARIN Centre of Latvian Language Resources and Tools (CLARIN-LV) have been certified as CLARIN B-centres.