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UK joins as an Observer for a second period

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

The UK has been an Observer of CLARIN since 2015, and has been admitted for a second three-year period. CLARIN-UK will aim to prepare a proposal for full membership, extend and reinforce the national consortium, and participate in the development of infrastructure at the national level. Also important in the current political situation, continued and increased participation in CLARIN presents an opportunity to show willingness to cooperate and participate at the European level in research.

One of the priorities for CLARIN-UK in this period will be to gain a place on a new research infrastructure roadmap. A new body 'UK Research and Innovation' (UKRI) brings together the seven research councils. UKRI is developing a research and innovation infrastructure roadmap, with a report to be published in the Spring of 2019, and a consultation period is currently underway. CLARIN-UK will gather information about the usage, uptake and impact of our current datasets, tools and services, in order to make the case for the significance of  existing language resources and technologies, as well as the future potential with more investment in infrastructure.

The CLARIN-UK consortium currently includes some of the world's leading centres for corpus and computational linguistics, with responsibility for major datasets and software applications widely used in research. A priority for this period will be to explore integrating these resources with the CLARIN infrastructure.

This integration work could involve connecting software as web services to the Language Resources Switchboard, offering metadata records for the Virtual Language Observatory, sharing corpus search results to the Federated Content Search, adding layers of authentication to offer access to online resources to users in other countries via the CLARIN Federation, listing courses and summer schools in the Digital Humanities Course Registry, and applications for certification as official CLARIN service centres.

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