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Tour de CLARIN publication is here!

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We are very happy to announce that the first volume of the Tour de CLARIN publication is now online, and can be accessed here

Tour de CLARIN is a highly successful initiative that highlights prominent user involvement activities of CLARIN national consortia. We introduce the national consortia and showcase their outstanding language resources, text processing tools, user involvement events and researchers with the aim to increase the visibility of the various consortia, reveal the richness of the CLARIN landscape, and display the full range of activities throughout the network that can not only inform and inspire other consortia, but also show what CLARIN has to offer to researchers, teachers, students, professionals and the general public interested in using and processing language data in various forms.

The first volume presents the nine CLARIN countries that we have visited so far: Finland, Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Greece and Lithuania.

Based on the publication we released a series of brochures, one for each country:

Austria | Czech Republic | DLU/Flanders | Finland | Greece | Lithuania | Poland | Sweden | The Netherlands


Tour de CLARIN volume I 2018 cover