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Tour de CLARIN

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“Tour de CLARIN” is a new CLARIN initiative that aims to periodically highlight prominent User Involvement (UI) activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium. This year we will focus on five of them:

  • Finland in April and May 2017

  • Sweden in June and July 2017

  • Austria in August and September 2017

  • The Netherlands in October and November 2017

  • Poland in December 2017 and January 2018

The highlights will include an interview with one or more prominent researchers who are using the work of national consortium’s infrastructure and can tell us more about their experience with CLARIN in general; one or more use cases that the consortium is particularly proud of and any relevant user involvement activities carried out.

The idea behind “Tour de CLARIN“ is that it will help to increase the visibility of the national consortia, reveal the richness of the CLARIN landscape, and to display the full range of activities throughout the network. The content will be disseminated via the CLARIN Newsflash, blog posts and linked to on our social media: Twitter and Facebook. To view all the posts to date go to Tour de Clarin page.

Join us on the ‘Tour de CLARIN’!