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SSHOC Interviews - The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud: What should we expect?

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

More than 100 participants from the 47 partner organizations were present at SSHOC's Kick-off Meeting. During the meeting partners were asked what we should expect from the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud.

Franciska de Jong, Executive Director of CLARIN , explains how CLARIN will strengthen the multilingual dimension of the SSH domain through the collaboration within the SSHOC project. You can watch this interview and the interviews with CESSDA Director and SSHOC coordinator Ron Dekker; the co-director of DARIAH, Frank Fischer, leading the development of the SSHOC Marketplace and the Executive Director of LIBER Astrid Verheusen on the SSHOC project website.


With a duration of 40 months, the SSHOC project started in January 2019 and will continue up until April 2022. SSHOC will develop a new cloud-based infrastructure to make data, tools and training available for scholars in the social sciences and humanities. CLARIN ERIC is one of the partner organizations in the project.