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Selected papers from the CLARIN 2016 Conference published

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2016 which was held in Aix-en-Provence, France, on 26–28 October 2016.

Following the conference, authors of the accepted papers were invited to submit full versions of their papers to be considered for the conference proceedings volume and, 10 out of 14 full-length submissions were accepted for this volume. Most of these papers address core CLARIN issues dealing with the construction, maintenance and use of the European infrastructure coordinated in the framework of CLARIN , such as search engine design, resource discovery, metadata quality, researcher training in infrastructure use, and design of specific tools and resources. There is one “pure” research paper in this volume – by Hinrichs, Erdmann and Joseph – but many of the contributions refer to research conducted using the CLARIN infrastructure. In two cases – the papers by Beißwenger et al. and by MacWhinney – the focus is on resource-building with specific research questions or a specific research field in mind, where the research and infrastructure-building activities feed into each other and actually become hard to disentangle.

The Selected papers are available via Linköping University Electronic Press and Zotero.