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Recently added to VideoLectures: CLARIN-PLUS workshop "Creation and Use of Social Media Resources"

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A new selection of videos has been added to the VideoLectures.NET platform. The videos come from the CLARIN-PLUS workshop on "Creation and Use of Social Media Resources" that took place in Kaunas, Lithuania on 18-19 May 2017. Click here to watch the presentations.

The aims of the workshop were: to demonstrate the possibilities of social media resources and natural language processing tools for researchers with a diverse research background who are interested in empirical research of language and social practices in computer-mediated communication; to promote interdisciplinary cooperation possibilities; to initiate a discussion on the various approaches to social media data collection and processing. This workshop was the fourth and last in a series of workshops funded in the conetxt of the CLARIN-PLUS project. Click here for more information about the workshop and here to read a blog post 'Impressions of CLARIN-LT on the CLARIN-PLUS Workshop on Social Media Resources'

The first videos added in May 2017 came from CLARIN-PLUS workshop in Sofia: "Working with Parliamentary Records" and you can watch them here

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