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Practical Workshop SSHOC’ing Drama in the Cloud at LIBER2021

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

Maria Eskevich and Francesca Frontini will organize the practical workshop SSHOC’ing drama in the cloud at the upcoming LIBER 2021 Online Conference, 23-25 June

The online workshop takes place on Wednesday 23 June 2021 from 13:30-15:30 (CEST).

The workshop objective is to equip the participating librarians with some general knowledge on how researchers in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) can benefit from the resources and services offered by SSH research infrastructures for producing and exploiting highly encoded historical textual data. 

A corpus of theatrical play texts from the 17th and 18th century covering examples in three languages (English, French, and Spanish) will be presented as a use case. This use case is based on ongoing work carried out within the SSHOC project (WP3).

The general registration is now open. After registration, participation in the workshop needs to be scheduled separately via LIBER's online scheduling platform.


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