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PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre officially recognized as CLARIN Knowledge centre

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

CLARIN is proud to announce that the PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre, the CLARIN Knowledge Centre for the Science and Technology of the Portuguese Language has been officially recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre.


About the PORTULAN CLARIN K-centre

The thematic area of the PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre is the Science and Technology of the Portuguese Language. Related to the Portuguese language, it covers all topics, from Phonetics to Discourse and Dialogue. It considers all language functions, from communicative performance to cultural expression, approached by all disciplines, from Theoretical Linguistics to Language Technology. It also covers all language variants, from national standard varieties across the world to dialects of professional groups and takes into  account all media of representation, from audio to brain imageology recordings.

The PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre entry point is a helpdesk available online to all users (no registration required). On the basis of their requests and needs, the users will be directed to individual experts or to research units and university departments in the network of PORTULAN CLARIN research infrastructure.

Visit the PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre

Apply to be recognized as a K-Centre 

Have you considered to have your centre recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre, either on your own or together with other partners (possibly in other countries)? You can do so with not too much effort, and you can do so even if you are not active in CLARIN yet, and even if you are not in a CLARIN member country. For more information, have a look at the page on knowledge centres, in particular the instructions for applicants. It is also possible for an institution to join an existing distributed K-Centre as one more partner if you have expertise in the same area.