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ParlaCLARIN II Workshop at LREC2020

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The 2020 ParlaCLARIN workshop will be held in Marseille (France), as part of the 12th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC2020)

Parliamentary data is a major source of socially relevant content, it  is multilingual and accompanied by rich metadata. Its distinguishing characteristic is  that it collects spoken language produced in controlled circumstances, which has traditionally been transcribed but is now increasingly released also in audio and video formats.

The second ParlaCLARIN workshop aims to bring together developers, curators and researchers of regional, national and international parliamentary debates that are suitable for research in disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

The keynote talk of the second ParlaCLARIN workshop will be devoted to the Manifesto Project.

Topics of interest:

- Creation and annotation of parliamentary data in textual and/or spoken format

- Annotation standards and best practices for parliamentary corpora

- Accessibility, querying and visualisation of parliamentary data

- Text analytics, semantic processing and linking of parliamentary and other datasets of political language data

- Parliamentary corpora and multilinguality

- Studies based on parliamentary corpora

- Studies comparing parliamentary corpora with other types of political discourse

Paper submission deadline: 14 February 2020

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